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Good bye Ford


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Tomorrow I make the final decision to trade my 2008 Ford Edge. I am proud to drive the Edge because it simply stands out in a crowd of bland automobiles. It has a great sound system and its comfortable to drive. If only it was reliable!!! A series of transmission issues ranging from limp mode, to being very "clunky", and even shifting to first gear at 50 MPH and locking up the front tires! A new transmission was installed. This is a budget busting car. The Vista Roof is clicking when I engage it to close after I open it. It still opens and closes, but this is another major repair cost coming soon. The cam shaft actuator has been replaced a couple of times and the latest repair was only a month old before the check engine light came on again. Ford said it was the cam shaft actuator and when I asked if that was under warranty since the repair was under 30 days they quickly pointed the finger to the computer. The computer is another $1000. The perception about owning a german automobile past it's warranty is justified due to cost "should something go wrong". The same can be said about FORD. The difference is Ford will go wrong and do it frequently. What a disappointment! I want another Ford, but there is no way I will buy another one due to quality. Out of all American made cars FORD has the most potential. Tommorrw I trade in my 2008 Edge Limited for $9000 after putting 5000 in repairs this year. FORD please find a way to put Quality in your design ... (not just looks) and quality in your build. Sad to say goodbye to Ford.

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I have driven Fords for the last 30 years and have had no major problems with any of them. Even put over 150,000 on a couple. Maybe I'm just lucky!!!!! I would say that my 2011 Edge and a 2003 F150 were the most solid Ford vehicles I've owned. My 2010 Edge was just OK but the 2011's and up are really good vehicles.

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  • 10 months later...

BEWARE!!! We own a 2011 Edge with 91,000 miles on it. This weekend we were driving back from a wedding and got an overheat warning. We quickly pulled over and had it towed in. BLOWN ENGINE!!! We had no indication that we had a problem of any kind. Had even had the oil changed the week before. We literally drove less than half a mile after the warning went off. Our dealership AND the dealership where we had the car towed (since we were out of town) both recommended that we call Ford to see if we could get any assistance. No luck....they said if it was really a serious problem that the dealership would have called! I called my dealership back and they are checking on it, but the service manager said that he had not heard of that before (He knew that he could call but didn't know that Ford would take it "more seriously" if they called. He also indicated that it was only customary for the dealership to call if they had sold the vehicle and had done all of the service on it.) I find it absurd that a vehicle would get a blown engine with NO WARNING!!! And now, FORD wants nothing to do with providing support! Anybody else having similar issues???

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BEWARE!!! We own a 2011 Edge with 91,000 miles on it. This weekend we were driving back from a wedding and got an overheat warning. We quickly pulled over and had it towed in. BLOWN ENGINE!!! We had no indication that we had a problem of any kind. Had even had the oil changed the week before. We literally drove less than half a mile after the warning went off. Our dealership AND the dealership where we had the car towed (since we were out of town) both recommended that we call Ford to see if we could get any assistance. No luck....they said if it was really a serious problem that the dealership would have called! I called my dealership back and they are checking on it, but the service manager said that he had not heard of that before (He knew that he could call but didn't know that Ford would take it "more seriously" if they called. He also indicated that it was only customary for the dealership to call if they had sold the vehicle and had done all of the service on it.) I find it absurd that a vehicle would get a blown engine with NO WARNING!!! And now, FORD wants nothing to do with providing support! Anybody else having similar issues???

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What exactly is wrong with the engine? Head gasket? Internal failure? Kind of a coincidence that the oil had just been changed, wonder if oil had leaked out or wasn't full?


You did have a warning of the overheating before the car died, just wonder how far the 1/2 mile you drove after the warning really was. Strange that an engine would fail that quickly unless the distance was longer.


Really need more information before I can jump on your bandwagon of hating Ford.

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Why would you expect Ford to provide support? Your vehicle is long, long, long past the warranty period. We don't know your maintenance history, we don't know if you just weren't paying attention to subtle signs like noises, leaks, performance changes, fluid levels and so on. My guess is the overheating warning isn't really the cause of the problem, but rather a symptom, you may have had a blown head gasket or something like that happen first, which then caused a loss of coolant, which then caused the overheat warning.


Besides if you really have a "blown engine", there is very little warning from any car. When my old Ford Probe blew up, it shot a connecting rod out the bottom. It had been ticking loudly before that, but only for a few miles, there were no signs of any problems even a few hours before.

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I am brand new to the Ford family having just purchased a 2014 Edge Sport AWD. I traded in my German car (2007 BMW 525Xi) with 150,000 miles because I finally tired of BMW charging me $500 for every conceivable repair. Didn't matter if they were replacing a battery or a DVD drive in the Nav system, it was $500. Sometimes a whole lot more. Yes, it was a lot of miles but I put $12,000 into maintenance over a six year period (including tires). So far the Edge gives me the same driving satisfaction and more since the electronics are more current. Sorry to hear someone has had bad luck with the Ford brand but I'm here to tell you that German cars can and do break with expensive frequency.

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