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New 2016 Titanium - Floor mats & splash guards


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I'm supposed to pickup my new titanium this week.. Wanted to get fitted floor mats ordered and molded splash guards but I can't find any splash guards except for the Ford which may be just fine.


I have the Husky xact contour for my F150 and I love the feel and fit, but I'm struggling on what to buy for the edge simply because the xacts aren't available. I have the Husky molded thing ones in my Flex, but I'm not too overly impressed.


Any pros / cons on the Aries, Husky, Weathertech or Maxliners?


Also, any input on the molded splash guards?


Thank you!!


Can't wait to give it to the wife, she has no idea what she's getting for Christmas!!!! :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

I bought the Ford Molded Splash guards and the fit GREAT... installed at the dealership before I brought it home in 10 mins. No Drilling.. just a 5mm ratchet. Love them.


Also opted for the MAX LINER Floormats from Auto Anything.. Hands down, the best mat for the money. They don't spend a boatload on Advertising, but they are considerably cheaper and Fit PERFECT. - Wouldn't consider the others honestly, and I've bought Weather Techs and Huskys... Love my Husky Exact Countors for my F150, but they weren't offered for the EDGE....

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