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Posts posted by rehtaf

  1. What about some tire chains? The new synthetic ones are much easier on tires. Be cheap. Just a though...


    The stock Conti's score 7 of 10 in snow on tire rack. Wait and see how they do this winter? May be more choices in that size by then.


    Out of all the tires I've used, Goodyear has been the best.

  2. fly6,

    To be of any help we need info on what HID you installed and troubleshooting you have done. HID's installed, idiot light on now , code p0452... isn't much to go on.

    Disabling the DRL's is very important for HID's. Needs a constant and steady 12v or the ballast will not last. 16 gauge wire size min and a relay is recommended.

    Try this...

    1. Disconnect batt

    2. Check batt for full charge and level

    3. Disconnect all wires from the HID kit but nothing else. Reconnect batt and drive it. Light come one now?


    I don't critique others comments....I critique others use of grammer, punctuation, sentence structure...and, if they come across as a f*ckin' idiot, I will point that out.....would you like to be a member of the club?????

    1. Its the net. Nobody cares!

    2. BTW, its "grammar" but us "idiots" know what you mean.



    Headlights have NOTHING to do with a check engine light. It is mostly for emissions.

    I dunno if light will come on or not but Fords have network codes(U).

    U0180 Lost Communication With Automatic Lighting Control Module

    U0181 Lost Communication With Headlamp Leveling Control Module

    U0182 Lost Communication With Lighting Control Module

    U0183 Lost Communication With Lighting Control Module


    If it's not the gas cap then it's probably the vapor recovery canister or tubing that has a leak.

    Agreed. Emission problem. Bad part or leak likely. Usually hard to find.


    Hey, Borat....what kind of gas do you use??? If you're using cheap crap, that might be contributing to the problem......

    Possible... but not likely the culprit. Would have other symptoms like rough idle, hesitation, hard to start, etc. if its the fuel.





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  3. So the lights work fine and its just the check engine light? Light comes on when the HID lights are turned on only? Did you disconnect the battery to install the lights? Use a relay? Completely disable the Daytime Running Lights(DRL)? Any splicing or cutting of wires or did it come with a harness? Clean contacts? Use dielectric grease or tape? Check for unstable or lack of power? Check the grounds? Fuses? Do the Hokey Pokey?


    I assume it was a kit and need to know what product you installed and all details to be of much help. Check the easy stuff first.


    Anyone know if the Edge has a sensor for a blown headlight?

  4. How does it go, Figures lie and liars figure. Real life experience shows the Escalade to not be all that fast.

    Name calling? LMAO! I own Denali and an Edge but dont know jack. Believe what you want, but in my REAL LIFE, on 1/8m drag strip this past week, the guy in the mustang gave me $100. Didn't have to cheat. REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE!


    You read a review on the net. :hysterical:


    FYI, I need the power to pull a 21' offshore boat.


    If someone tailgates me, I just slam the brakes on (yes, the f*ckin' brakes that a lot of sheep are complaining about)......

    LMAO! Had a young cocky kid do that to me. I was in the F150 which has a solid steel bull bar built by me. Gusseted and welded to frame. It doesn't bend or give like the 2 POS premade city boy bars that are for looks only. Took me and 3 others to pick it up to install. 800 lbs or so. Tires 37" are about 250 lbs each. A witch and a full tool chest. I make my own trail in the woods now. More fun than a chain saw.


    Anyway, I guess the guy thought I would slam on the breaks. Well...I gave her a lil more gas. The rear of that suv looked like a crushed soda can. Was hilarious! Only felt like a speed bump. Some of his white paint got on my black bar...Grrr! He had to get towed, replace all the glass and panels from rear doors back and a ticket for C&R driving. I drove home, rubbed his paint off and had a beer.


    So, the lesson to learn here is...don't do that to crazy arse rednecks that don't give a f**k...like me. I'll drive over you, threw you and been know to give ppl a little push if driving too slow...but wont stop...EVER...for cocky city drivers. 8-9k lbs + newton's 1st law= me feeling a lil bump and pushing most cars/trucks at will in 2WD. BTW, if I was in a small Honda...I WILL STILL HIT YOU AND LAUGH. Then let you pay to fix it!


    You have been warned!


    My dad can beat up your dad.


  5. Am I the only one here that keeps up with news and stocks? All of the US auto makers are in trouble. Some just have more zero's in the red. The big 3 loose money on almost every car sold. Toyota is the only auto maker thats well into the green last I looked. Investors are keeping the big 3 afloat.


    To clear things up, E85 is not new. Henry had a vision far beyond his time. Ever heard of a Model-T? One version could run on either ethanol, gas or a mix of the two. It can give more Power and MPG but that depends on how its made, mixture ratio and engine design. The normal pump E85 that we would buy has 20-30% less energy than gas. Ive been told that cars with turbo's may actually have an unnoticeable loss in power or even have more power in some cases. Around 10% less greenhouse gas emissions compared to gas. Last I checked corn, unlike petrol, is a renewable resource...which is good. IMO however, corn is not answer and a piss poor engineering attempt. A copy of something thought up almost 100 yr ago. Corn takes too much land and has a long growth cycle(1 crop/yr). Ethanol can also be made from most organics like sugar, fruit, rice, etc. Ethanol will eat aluminum and rubber so pipes have to be made of stainless or plastics. With either fuel, only 3-4% of its energy is used to move the driver forward. Most of it is wasted pulling 2-3 tons of steel and plastic, the extra weight from needless cargo, sitting at stoplights, running accessories and unused energy produced in the form of heat.(From Discovery Channel)

    The only good thing about E85 is lining the pockets of the rich, and corn producers.

    How many rich farmers do you know? They work VERY hard for very little pay. Most are just making ends meet and 1 bad yr could force them to sell. Price of fuel is not helping either. It's about money, yes, but its not the farmers pockets its going in. Just take a look at the major stock holders in oil company's, drillers, etc. You'll find a bunch of politicians, even a guy named Bush. Its BIG MONEY and corrupt all the way to the top. Bills are bought and paid for. The American way..PFFT! "It's not what you know...its who you know and how much your willing to pay".-someone

    even on the vettes the following is not half as strong as it with the MUSTANGS.....and I am proud to say that this "old guy"

    Grab your walker and go to the ford and Chevy dealership and compare the price of the two. That will explain why you see more pony's. They are cheaper to mod too. I mostly see old farts in new vettes. Sits in a garage if there's a chance of rain or not Sunday. I like em both, just have no use for either one.

    I don't have the answer. How can we produce all that electricity? Burn a shit load of coal?

    Superefficient cost effective photovoltaics! AKA, energy from the sun! No pollution and free! Just 30 days of sunlight has more power than the human race has ever produced. How to store the energy is the issue. The new solar cells will be out next year and produce 2+watts per .05 square inch in direct sunlight. lIf you wanna get rich...design a very light and small battery. Thats what we need. Reducing the weight of cars by 70% without sacrificing strength is in the works with carbon fiber. Claim its 10x stronger than steal. Sounds like steel when thumped or hit. Some Cali University is designing new manufacturing process's and building the machines to make it after they were told it can't be done. A couple teachers and some 20 yr olds without a paycheck are doing what the auto makers cant or wont do. They're building a 1500 lb solar car that can be plugged in to a power outlet and SELL YOUR STORED EXTRA ENERGY to the power company. A car that produces income! WOOT! No gas stations trips...EVER! They claim that enough cars are already on the road and if every car in the US today was a solar power collector, storage unit, and supply...it will power the whole country!!! So, how does no money spent for gas and FREE POWER sound? And being designed by ppl born in the late 80's that work for peanuts and still in school! Awesome! The auto makers need a swift kick in the pants so they will wake up and start to think out of the box.


    Another 30 yr old option is hemp seed oil thats press from the seeds. Save some trees at the same time with the pulp fiber. One acre of hemp equals 10 acres of trees in only one year. But that may make rich ppl go to work instead of the golf course. Criminalized by Henry Aslinger mainly to have a reason to deport Mexicans coming into Texas. I don't think it worked! Not even a little. Our tax dollars at work and controlled by people riding the short bus. The truth is...he was paid by big business so there competition was illegal to grow. But they could still manufacture it legally. Damn lawyers!


    Could just go back to the 1 HP horse I guess. Use methane for power. Replace lawn mowers and fertilize the lawn. Have to feed/water....oooo...um...never mind...have to put down the remote and get off the couch. Horse=land mines=work=bad idea. Oh well...

    there is something about FORDS that is unique

    Yep! The problem has been circled! :hysterical:


    Heard of Lee Iacocca? A real self made man that doesn't know the meaning of failure. His new book is called "Where Have All the Leaders Gone?" A great read! A real eye opener! Anyways, here's a peak....

    The whole interview can be found here

    Am I the only guy in this country who's fed up with what's happening? Where the hell is our outrage? We should be screaming bloody murder. We've got a gang of clueless bozos steering our ship of state right over a cliff, we've got corporate gangsters stealing us blind, and we can't even clean up after a hurricane much less build a hybrid car.(That lines so true its just sad!) But instead of getting mad, everyone sits around and nods their heads when the politicians say, "Stay the course."

    Stay the course? You've got to be kidding. This is America, not the damned Titanic. I'll give you a sound bite: Throw the bums out!

    You might think I'm getting senile, that I've gone off my rocker, and maybe I have. But someone has to speak up. I hardly recognize this country anymore. The President of the United States is given a free pass to ignore the Constitution, tap our phones, and lead us to war on a pack of lies. Congress responds to record deficits by passing a huge tax cut for the wealthy (thanks, but I don't need it). The most famous business leaders are not the innovators but the guys in handcuffs. While we're fiddling in Iraq, the Middle East is burning and nobody seems to know what to do. And the press is waving pom-poms instead of asking hard questions. That's not the promise of America my parents and yours traveled across the ocean for. I've had enough. How about you?

    I'll go a step further. You can't call yourself a patriot if you're not outraged. This is a fight I'm ready and willing to have.

    My friends tell me to calm down. They say, "Lee, you're eighty-two years old. Leave the rage to the young people." I'd love to—as soon as I can pry them away from their iPods for five seconds and get them to pay attention. I'm going to speak up because it's my patriotic duty. I think people will listen to me. They say I have a reputation as a straight shooter. So I'll tell you how I see it, and it's not pretty, but at least it's real. I'm hoping to strike a nerve in those young folks who say they don't vote because they don't trust politicians to represent their interests. Hey, America, wake up. These guys work for us.

  6. Just...Why? I don't see my plate often...but it always follows me. The state takes enough of my $ already. Gives the cops a easy plate to remember, stands out and maybe a reason to pull you. I learned the hard way thats its better to go plane Jane and unnoticed. Pulled doing 57 in 55 at the worst time all because of a psychedelic sticker! One thing thats quickly learned in jail, other than the food really sucks...and it has organic dental floss, is you don't want to be there.


    2 cents

  7. A real pain to clean them. Bugs stick like glue. In time the paint will fade and not match what the bra covered when removed. Don't use these magnet stickers either or same thing will happen. What about a hood deflector to keep the bugs and small rocks off the windshield? Dings are inevitable. Buy touch up paint and use very thin coats.


    Get the bra when the headlights start to sag below the grill.


    3M Paint Protection System

    Us county folk that live over yonder in dem der hills, AKA BFE, we still call it wax.

  8. FYI, keep the same tire hight or it will change the axle ratios and alter performance because of this. Taller will make it sluggish. Shorter will give it more get up and go but reduce top end. MPG will change either way. Over 1 inch higher or lower is not advised. Check the tires available for the rim size chosen before the rims are purchased.


    Bah! Just lift it and put on some 15" welds w/SSR's. Will stand out more fer sho! Hear you coming too!!


    I guess I'll wait & see how the plastic chrome holds up.


    They look good...but..."plastic chromed wheels" doesn't compute. :stats: Didn't even know until the first wash. Sounds like bassackwards thinking from a hangover that hasn't kicked in yet!


    It's just an very expensive hub cap AFAICT...not sure without taking it off. From the chromed plastic grills I've had, I'm guessing they will look like crap in only a few years. Cracks within 5 yrs unless garaged. Hope I'm wrong. We shall see...


    BTW, they come on electric jeeps at toys'r'us when replacements are needed.

  9. So this is also why 1 lb. of lead will weight more than 1 lb. of feathers, I believe.

    So 1lb of my bs weighs more than 1lb of your bs? :wacko: Still 454g either way. Please enlighten me with an explanation.


    NOS adds O2 for more fuel burn and cools the mix and creates a denser charge. More fuel burn=more heat right? Also habit forming.

  10. Wife said it does the same on her Edge. Comes from the smooth luxury car like ride(AKA slippage)... maybe. Rent a car with a clutch to teach her about the break pedal. A diesel truck is just the opposite. Have to push break hard or its gonna go forward.


    Its a forum and he can ask anything until mods slap him.


    Metrols next time go to first time posted topic and just reply with "BUMP". Bumps it back to top of the list for more replies.


    Double post are frowned upon...as mkx and jeff implied so well.

  11. You don't think the Edge is fast off the line??? Tromp that gas pedal to the floor, and hang on to the steering wheel...it kicks ass!


    No, I don't. Spunk yes but not fast. Is it lighter than others in class? Never looked. AWD helps it off the line. I dunno, wifes car, but any tire spin of line? Feels good and a nice quite ride but not made to go fast as some will learn I fear. Don't forget its top heavy and needs 150 ft+ to stop from 70mph. A f350 needs 135 ft or so to compare. Be safe!


    Anyone else notice how tight the steering feels or is it just me?

  12. Larger rotors and pads can be put on any car if it's a major concern. Car and driver says so-so grip Continental CrossContact LX all-season tires are half the problem. Still better than my Denali in 187 ft. Sticky tires make a huge difference but cost more and don't last. Had some Goodyear GS-C's and were the best tires I've owned. Drop the clutch @ 6500 and just a chirp before hook up. Maybe 10k per set but amazing performance that saved my life many times. Mazda dealers here are small, few and far in between. Turned me away. I bet it's a Edge w/ a new body but mostly the same underneath. Could be wrong.


    My issue with dodge was the service not fixing the problem. Even know the owner well and sold him land before. Durango was serviced many times under a 7 yr warranty and they tell me its fine...normal... for stalling, ball joint failure or bad wear from poor design(wheels falling off some say), not shifting to OD or gear searching between 4th and 5th @ 80 and constant pedal pressure. I put it on a lift and was gonna fix everything myself. If you could have seen that parts list it was jaw dropping long. I said screw it! A 99 with 68k and happy to get $5500 to go towards an Edge. Got 9k for my dodge truck that was a 97 with 60k w/ rust, big dents from a bull, very poor interior and paint all pealed off on the roof. They answered some of the problems with a new model Durango! GRR! Wondered why they replace it so soon at the time. IMO, last good dodge was the power wagon.


    Google "complaints edge" or whatever car to see what others have to say before you buy.


    Wait till 08's are out and buy an 07? Just a thought.

  13. Just to be clear I said "Put premium gas in every 5th tank". Ford dealership owner told me this when picking up our Edge. Also said change oil and rotate tires ever 5k miles. Normal driving or non-towing Edge w/ 8.5:1 CR(or 8:1? Dont recall exact) will run fine on regular 87 octane. It matters more as load is increased and/or high rpm's. I don't think I'm wrong. Nor is Akirby. Just opinionated.


    Knocking occurs when the air/fuel mixture spontaneously combusts before the spark plug fires.

    Should never happen on newer low compression computer controlled engines like the Edge carries. Very bad for gas engines. A common death for a racing engine. Normal for diesels.


    Engines w/ CR's above 9.5:1 will almost always generate more HP and MPG with octane higher than 87. Most sports cars say "premium only" on the gauge if recommended even if 9:1. Also, octane levels vary greatly from US levels in other countries. Regular unleaded is octane rated in much of Eroupe at 95 and 80 in Russia.(from wiki link)


    Temperature, humidity and fuel may change the characteristics of the air/fuel mixture but that's not the same as changing the compression ratio. Even with wear.

    The ratio never changes without changing internal parts. Numbers for the design/spec sheets, not actual, only ballpark and assumed to be true. Its not measured for every engine of a line. The compression is not the same as the ratio and varies from the ever changing world in which we live. (maybe called piston compression?? Wiki calls it absolute compression) Temp etc. can change this as you said. Don't forget the air pressure/altitude that LOWERS the octane needed the higher up you go. So a trip from the beach to 7000 ft. can change how the engine runs and the fuel it needs to run the same as at sea level. Engine wear more or less is metal loss from friction. A worn cam, groves from and on pistons, bent rods, etc. can change everything! Imagine oil getting past the piston.


    A quick Google and you'll find opinions vary on this topic from page to page. No confirmed scientific data thats agreed to be conclusive by a majority that I've found. Like "There are some high octane gasolines in the marketplace with fast flame speeds and some with slow flame speeds. It depends on how they are put together." on one site. On http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octane_rating "This section needs additional references or sources to facilitate its verification." Even contradicts itself if I'm not mistaken. Lists E-85 @ 105 octane. Didn't know that.


    When late-model Corvette is run hard on hot days, as shown in our tests on the SuperFlow Auto-Dyn with the ZR-1 and later with a Z06, engine computers will often enable spark retard. This is because the car’s engine controls are calibrated for aggressive spark advance to get best performance in cool weather, then “save” the engine with spark retard when mild detonation is sensed during high-load/hot-weather operation. Because of the retard, their performance is reduced slightly and coolant temperature is slightly higher.


    On cool days there’s no problem, but in warm weather, the engine will get a little detonation, the knock sensing will retard spark and performance will drop slightly. A small amount of unleaded race gas mixed with premium pump gas (start at 1:5, then work up) is the best way to eliminate this problem, short of engine modifications, changes in calibration or moving to a cooler area.

    Aviation and racing fuels

    May explain some hot weather quirks some are having.


    Some gas treatments in stores are no more that Isopropyl Alcohol. Bought from a drug/grocerie stores and used in a`10% (1:10 is max) mix with pump gas will add 2-3 octane, clean the system and be cheaper!


    Boring read but interesting...

    Mixing high and low octane concept?


    Heard of this for diesel but not gas...

    Make your own better Hi-Per fuel?


    Sorry to get off topic PB! Your's running/idling ok?

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