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Posts posted by mgmgrand

  1. Have you checked inside your CAI after redlining and flooring the vehicle so much? I have the exact same upgrades as you and have experienced engine oil in the CAI. I've been advised to install a "catch can" or also known as a "oil & water seperator". Go heavy on the pedal for a short drive than check inside the CAI and let me know what you find.


    What is the CAI?


  2. The 2011 Ford Edge Sport Owners Manual lists the HIR 2 as the headlight bulb for this model.

    Does anyone know the brand of HIR 2 bulb that Ford has installed in the 2011 Sports?


    My 2011 Sport headlights aren't very bright. I'd like to replace the current bulbs with something brighter and would love some guidance from other 2011 Sport owners.

    I found that Philips has a 3rd Generation HIR 2 bulb on the market. Is this an upgrade to what Ford installed or is it the same exact bulb?

    Thank you all in advance for your advice and shared experiences.

  3. The 2011 Ford Edge Sport Owners Manual lists the HIR 2 as the headlight bulb for this model.

    Does anyone know the brand of HIR 2 bulb that Ford has installed in the 2011 Sports?


    My 2011 Sport headlights aren't very bright. I'd like to replace the current bulbs with something brighter and would love some guidance from other 2011 Sport owners.

    I found that Philips has a 3rd Generation HIR 2 bulb on the market. Is this an upgrade to what Ford installed or is it the same exact bulb?

    Thank you all in advance for your advice and shared experiences.

  4. Thanks AXCL.


    Yesterday, I got "the call". The Edge Sport had arrived. It never showed up on the dealer's online inventory. I thought this was strange. Maybe it was coded as a "sold" vehicle already and it didn't show up on the inventory list for that reason.

    I'm going later today to pick it up. I can then officially join the Edge owner family. :happy feet:

  5. Hi everyone.

    First of all, thank you for the forum and the great information that all the participants share within it. It's a great place to learn from others.

    I've been working with a local dealer to order a 2011 Ford Edge Sport. The dealer claims that they ordered the vehicle in early October, 2010. They told me it would be 8-10 weeks before it arrived. The next update from them was that it would arrive on December 21st. Then they told me it would arrive on December 27th. As of today, January 6th, 2011, and the dealer tells me that it's in transit from the factory to their dealership but they don't have a definite date of arrival. They told me it might arrive in a day or sometime during the next 2 weeks. I can't help but to feel that I'm being given misinformation along the way because the story has changed so many times.

    I've noticed from watching the Ford.com site that the Edge and MKX vehicles typically show up on the dealer inventory list (online) several days prior to them arriving at the dealer. As I've watched the online (ford.com) inventory for my local dealer, my Edge Sport hasn't been displayed there yet. This leads me to believe that it's still at least over a week away from arriving but maybe longer.

    Does anyone have information about how I could track this vehicle more closely on my own? The dealer provided me with a VIN weeks ago. I can only hope it's accurate for my vehicle. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all very much.

  6. Hi


    Anyone has the same issue as I have? I have order my Edge SEL mid-october and still no VIN issued. Apparentlly they have a wheel supplier issue. Does that make sense?


    I heard from a local Lincoln dealer (Ohio), that they were restricted from ordering several Lincoln vehicles with 20" wheels. This included the MKX. I received this information around 3 weeks ago. I think the ordering restriction was for at least a few weeks in length. I just wanted to confirm that there is some type of wheel supplier issue according to what Ford / Lincoln is communicating to the dealers.

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