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beemer freak

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Posts posted by beemer freak

  1. looks real good.. how is it holding up?


    the paint is surprisingly holding up really well. I managed to curb one of the rims and just peeled off the plastidip and resprayed it, looks like new!


    edge looks killer. how many cans of plastic dip did you use and what kit is on your edge?


    I used almost 1 can per wheel, i learned that you should put down a good number of coats because it's a lot easier to peel off the paint when it's thicker vs. having like 2 layers which is a pain to take off

  2. Just noticed a similar smell today with my 2011 AWD, I'll check for oil spots tomorrow, thanks for the heads up. My car also stalls out occasionally when shifting into reverse. The problem was supposed to be fixed after two visits in the first 1200 miles, but it seems to be back. Any help? I also had to have some computer upgrades in between. 6 visits in 3800 miles.




    Edge's have been known to stall sometimes when you're in reverse. My ford edge sport also had the same problem, smelled something close to burning rubber on day one and next thing you know i have black looking oil spots all over my driveway. FIrst time i took it in the technician told me that my car wasnt leaking but instead it was probably condensation dripping off from my dirty chassis onto my driveway...load of crap. Went home continued to have the same problem but they eventually found the leak which was linked to said faulty seal. The sad part was i had to go in 3 times before they figured out the problem.

  3. Beemer,


    Did you have to sand or rough up the surface in anyway? I am looking at trying this for my grille and wondering if I will need to ruin the surface or not....


    No, you don't need to sand or do anything to the surface. the paint will nicely bond to the grille as is. make sure you cover up the surrounding areas cause the over spray can get all over your car

  4. i wanted to make the car look a little more aggressive so i thought going all black would be a starting point!


    didn't take pictures of the process so i'll do my best to describe it.

    1) take the wheels off and wipe each one down make sure you have a clean surface to work with

    2) instead of taping off the tires i decided to use index cards and stuck it between the wheel and the tire so none of the plasti-dip would end up on the tires

    3) if you plan on painting only the chrome/black part of the wheel then you might want to tape off the inner part of the wheel or if you want to spray the whole wheel then leave it as is. cover up the nozzle to inflate your tires as well (with painters tape)

    4) now you're ready to paint. i decided to work section by section rather than layer by layer. So for each wheel i would evenly spray a quarter section until i thought i had covered up the chrome and then moved on to the next quarter of the wheel. make sure you keep some distance when spraying cause you might end up making the paint bleed so spray from 6 or 8 inches away

    5) right after youre done painting the wheel take out the index cards cause i had a slight accident where the wind blew some of the index cards on the wet plasti dip and ruined the wheel.

    6) let it dry and youre good to go!

  5. So I've had a 2011 Ford Edge Sport since january and the bluetooth worked perfectly fine. However for the last few days i have not been able to get my phone to connect with sync. Every time i hit connect it says bluetooth off, would you like to turn it on or something like that and it keeps searching for my phone but never connects. When i tried to repair my phone right when it says to search for sync it goes straight to connection failed. Anyone else have similar problems with bluetooth?

  6. had my ford edge sport for about 2 months now. i realized that every time i switch from reverse to drive especially when im doing a three point turn on a kinda busy street there's a couple seconds of lag from when i apply gas to when the car actually moves anyone else have this problem? and i've also noticed a slight burning/melting smell when i get out of the car. anyone have that issue as well?

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