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Posts posted by Rcc313

  1. I have been having this same issue sporadically (at low speed/stop and go traffic...step on throttle to accelerate and car jerks hard like I was just rear ended). At first, the dealer explained that the vehicle was still learning how I drive and to give it some time (car purchased March 2011 - Edge SEL AWD). in the past year or so, i can count on one hand how many times this occured so I learned to live with it (keeping some space between me and the car ahead of me just in case). Unfortunately, just this past week the issue occured 7 times. So, worried, I looked on line and on the forum to see if anyone else had the same issue. Seeing the issue more common than I thought and with the TSB describing the issue and the solution to it, I scheduled an appointment with my local Ford service department. I brought a copy of the TSB with me and also explained in detail my issue on the dealer's on line appointment maker. It was nice to arrive this mornng seeing my name and vehicle listed on the appointment board. Of course, when it was my turn to check in with the service manager, she has no clue who I am or why I am there and seemingly no record or copy of the appointment I wrote up on line (which is kind of funny because I was texted at least 5 times over the weekend reminding me of my appt with a summary of my service request). So, I re-explained the issue in person and put a copy of the TSB on the service manager's desk. She started to go into "what other service can I sell you mode". I would have none of it..let's just get past this car jerking violently on the road thing before I decide to pay for additional high margin services that we all know we do not need (like emergency brake service every 5000 miles - 100 bucks - yea right). Anyway, she did not give the TSB a second thought and even said she did not need a copy since the technician, if they can duplicate the issue will pull codes/call Ford tech line etc. Then she says " you are aware that these cars have electronic transmissions, aren't you? This just occurs all the time and you just have to live with it". She goes on to state, I just got a 2011 Explorer myself and this happens all the time..I just adjust my driving around it. "Does'nt that worry you?" I ask (as I notice the nice picture of her young kids which brings to mind my own children), what if the car does that while moving through an intersection or at speed on the highway? I was really tempted to just ask for my keys back..but hec, since I just had my 1996 Jeep GCL serviced and available (as always - 138K miles no major issues/just regular maintenance) and since I had the time scheduled, I left my Edge there. So now, only time and the rest of the day will tell if this Ford service department does the right thing which in their case could be me picking up my Edge later today with the infamous "needed your car for the entire day to say - ISSUE CAN NOT BE DUPLICATED - go fish and pay me a diagnostic fee". I hope they do the right thing and take this TSB seriously and solve the problem once and for all. I switched back to an American car as my primary (former many years with Nissan) because of the great press Ford was getting with all its new innovation and re-birth. I can, at least for the moment, say that I miss my local Nissan service guys! They always took me seriously, accepted my 2 cents, went over and above, and if I walked in with a TSB they at least stapled it to the work order so that the tech could have it even if just for reference. I hope to re-build this type of relationship with Ford ...

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