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Julie Efteland

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Posts posted by Julie Efteland

  1. I also ordered a new 2013 edge Aug 3rd. I contacted the dealer whom I ordered it from 2 weeks ago. He said they had just halted building edges just when I ordered mine and were working on another Ford product but that the edges should be coming back up for production soon. I have heard nothing. I was originally told 6-12 wks and I am sitting at 8 wks today and not even a build date. I do live up in "Tim-buck-two" here in the US of A, so wondering if that has anything to do with it or is Ford not keeping up with demand? I talked with a friend of mine who said it took her 4 months to get her new Taurus a couple yrs ago. I have my Vehicle order confirmation sheet with order number, priority number, dealer number, order type and price level provided by the dealership the day I ordered it. Anyone know how long it normally takes or if I can somehow check myself? I don't want to be a pest to the dealership as I am sure if they had an update they would call me.

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