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Posts posted by mercmtneer

  1. Does anyone have good daylight shots of a Dark Amethyst Edge? The ones Ford shows are so dark that they're almost indistinguishable from black. Is the color really that dark? I saw one partial picture of a vehicle in that color where it appeared much more purple than black.

  2. It just depends on whether you believe in inherent superiority of one product over another. I know from personal experience owning GM and Ford products which ones have been better vehicles - for me. In fact, I've owned a bunch of vehicles, both foreign and domestic, and the absolute worst ones of the bunch were GM products. Say what you want about immature minds, but I've owned dozens of cars over the last 31 years, so there's no fanatical brand loyalty here. :finger:


    As far as GM not losing $7 billion last year, the actual number for Ford was more like $12 billion wasn't it?


    If Ford hadn't gone off on this truck tangent for the last decade, they would have killed GM. The way it is, they let GM hang around, and now they're - Ford, that is - the ones in the hole. :banghead:


    Did you have anything meaningful to contribute, or are you just on here to slam people? :baby:


    Hmmm. I didn't see GM losing $7 billion last year. I don't think there's anything wrong with collaboration between manufacturers. If it produces a better product at lower prices, I'm all for it. Usually religion-like fanatacism over brand loyalty is a sign of a young (ofter read immature) owner. That's not meant as any disrespect, by the way.
  3. I've seen the downshifting problem with the six-speed automatic mentioned elsewhere, and that's one of the things I checked for last evening when I test drove the Edge. Sure enough, when cruising at 45 mph and flooring it, the transmission downshifted in to second gear, or maybe first gear, and the RPMs went to almost 6000! At that point, there was virtually no acceleration left in that gear, and it seemed to just hang there until I let up on the gas pedal a little, then it upshifted. This seems like odd behavior, and I was wondering if anyone has heard of an upcoming firmware change that might correct this problem. After all, it's only software. :stats:


    In a related note, I was reading MSNBC's review of the Saturn Aura, which has a six-speed automatic, and they mentioned that early customers of it were unhappy with the transmission's decision-making, so GM reacted immediately, improving the transmission in new cars and giving existing customers a free software update when their cars visited the dealer. Since we know the Edge transmission was codeveloped with GM - what a revolting thought - and is a six-speed automatic, could a firmware update along the lines of GM's be coming? :shift:

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