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Posts posted by nanshan

  1. I had the exact same issue, and it's driving me f'ng insane. I took it to the dealer (showed them this thread) and though I had to be a bit aggressive to get it fixed, they did everything recommended above. They acknowledged that the noise was heard and even suggested that this above-mentioned fix didn't necessarily solve it, though they did perform it. They said they had to do other fixes (details were hazy) to solve it. I drove it out, and it was ok for a few days.


    The noise reappeared, BUT WORSE, yesterday.


    I am so f'ng pissed right now, and though I don't want to have to do this, I might have to commence lemon law proceedings. I am a lawyer (though not in this field) but don't have the time for this BS anymore.


    The dealer was very good -- but not great. I'm probably going back there for another round tomorrow just out of courtesy to Ford, though I'm sure they're getting pissed at me now.

  2. Brand new 15 Edge Titanium, 3.5. Within around 100 miles I started noticing a really annoying ratchet type of sound -- kind of like what it sounds like on a rollercoaster when it's slowly click click click clicking up at the highest point. The car drives fine, but at lower speeds I notice this sound. Usually when decelerating down from like 10 mph down to zero to stop at a red light. Then I'll sometimes notice it on a turn (more often left, but sometimes right) from a stop. Anyone recognize this issue? I'm taking it to dealer tomorrow.

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