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Posts posted by ILMKXOWNR

  1. Here there - appreciate everyone's attempt to help. That is why I joined in - listening and learning! It is frustrating when you can not dupicate the problem, both for the dealership and the owner.


    As far as the control arm,I am just going by what I was told by the dealership(s) and is on their repair information. As I understand it, the metal control arms were crimped too tightly in the manufacturing process causing them to leak. I will agree, I am far from technical when it comes to autos so am relying on what I am being told by the 2 dealerships that have worked on this problem. Shortly after this was originally diagnosed, Ford acknowledge the problem with many other vehicles but they didn't have a replacement part for almost a year. Therefore, we went through one additional replacement before the new part was finally available.


    And as far as the question if we bought it new or used; it was purchased new. Yes, we programmed our vehicle recognize two different drivers (and have been made aware of the error in the owners manual so have the new instructions). Why could this be part of the problem? That is what this option is for. Worked perfectly in our previous Lincoln. They have replaced the key fabs, a module but thus far, no solutions to the problems. Again, I understand the frustration of the dealership and they recognize our frustration as well. But that pretty much leaves us at an impasse until someone figures this out! I have offered to leave the vehicle for a month as long as I am supplies with a "like vehicle" but this is the problem. They don't have "like vehicles" for loaner cars as Lexus or other higher end dealerships do.

  2. Ahhh...if it were only that simple. I have taken the car to my dealership immediately after it happens, but of course, it won't happen for them - it is too sporatic. (Have even attempted 2 other dealerships to take a look at the problem to no resolve.) This problem has surfaced 13 different times within a 2 month period (where I kept track). This isn't in my imagination and I certainly understand the frustration of the dealership when it can't duplicate the problem. But as an owner, I am frustrated also! Obviously, through this forum, I see that others have had the same problem and the dealership can't duplicate their problem either. We know of someone in the area with the same problem and has just given up attempting to have it fixed. I won't give up - this was a feature that we wanted in this vehicle and are stubborn enough not to just deal with it. Obviously, this isn't a national problem so Ford isn't going to spend a lot of time trying to resolve it.


    The control arm issue is an issue that Ford is aware of and it took them a year to produce a replacement part. In the meantime, ours failed 3 different times with oil leaks on our driveway and garage floor.

  3. Its not that ford wont stand behind the product. If they can not reproduce the problem what do you want them to fix. You can not fix something that isn't broken. If you can get it to reproduce then take it there and show them how you got it to do it, otherwise there is nothing that can be done. Also just curious but what is a control arm leak? are you talking about the transfer case leak and having it leak down onto the control arm?
  4. Thanks for the suggestion, but this did not help my situation. I am findng that without being able to "duplicate the issue", Ford will not stand behind this problem. I continue to have sporatic memory seat problems as well as easy entry problems. The easy entry option allows the seat in the back position until you put the key into the ignition. At times, ours will move out of the easy entry position and into the memory seat position when unlocking the car and before the key is ever in the ignition.


    And the car has had control arm leaks 3 times (suspension) and been repaired in addition to transmission problems. I feel like I drive loaner vehicles more than my own car!


    Any help or solutions to the memory seat/easy access would be deeply appreciated!

  5. We purchased our 2007 MKX in March 2007. Within 6 months we began having intermitent memory seat/easy access issues. We have had 3 different dealers attempt to identify the problem; of course, they can't get it to malfunction when they have it. As one other posted, they can't duplicate the problem.


    We are aware of SSM-20025 (Owners Manual Incorrect) but that isn't the problem. Ford Customer Care Center is of no help at all, keep telling us to take it back to the dealer. We have had a module replaced, key fabs replaced, re-programmed time and time again and nothing works. I know of another MKX owner in our area having the same problem, also with no resolution.


    Love the vehicle but if Ford won't deal with this problem, it will be our last Ford/Lincoln/Mercury product we ever purchase! Where's the customer care????


    Has anyone found a resolution to this memory seat and easy entry problem?

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