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Posts posted by Redford

  1. I have a 2015 Edge.  I started noticing water condensation building in the tail light in the winter of 2016-2017.  I was told by the dealership that Ford considers condensation normal.  During the times I brought my vehicle in for regular maintenance, I would mention the condensation.  Nothing was ever written down on their forms and was told over and over that it was normal.  My driver side door carried water in it and it would slosh back and forth, apparently Ford found this normal until I showed up with a butter knife and separated the inside of the door from the metal and water POURED out, then it was finally fixed.  So apparently this SUV has an issue with water leaking into places it shouldn't.  Now I have insisted that this gets fixed and I was told of an estimate of $4300 for me to get it fixed.  The Edge is 3 year and 7 months.  It's funny that when it was under warranty, Ford considered it normal to have condensation, but now that it is past warranty, I have to pay!

    Meeting tomorrow with the Sales Manager, General Manager and the Salesman that sold me the vehicle.  



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