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About johnd12

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  1. I just had the passenger side bulb replaced (by the dealer)and a week later is burned again. A few months ago I did the driver"s side,still good thank God.(I did it myself) What kind of moron engineers does Ford employ that design a car where you have to remove the bumper cover to replace a bulb?It's beyond my mind that Ford will do this. Any instructions on how to remove the bumper cover? Also is there a bulb that will last past a week? Thank you A dissapointed owner
  2. I just played with that feature yesterday on my MKX.a The pictures have to be less than 1 .5MB if I remember and the recommended size is a lot less.It's 800X378 pixels.Use a photo editor or a resize program. I put mine on an SD card,loaded it but could never have it showing.The reason is that you have 3 screens to chose from.Hit the Home button and select the top screen and voila ! John
  3. I have a 2011 MKX and an older version of an Ipod.It did work, but initially I tried a USB memory stick with jpg files .It did not recognize the USB stick. I suspect that if you have only music files on the stick it might work.I'll try it later. John
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