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Posts posted by Paul79UF



    2. People that don’t use indicators! I once thought that I had a sixth sense or some extraordinary ability to predict the future …..but I don't. Use your indicators! They come as standard…. not optional!




    I really hate those people too.


    You can actually see less and less people using their signal lights as I drive from North Florida down to Miami to visit my parents.


    I'd love to be a cop for just one day in South Florida and pull over everyone who doesn't signal while cutting off other drivers.

  2. I used to have a similar problem on a different car.


    The next time I changed the pads, I used some CRC Disc Brake Quiet Gel.


    It's this orange goop that you apply to the rear of the pads where they come in contact with the brake caliper.


    Since then, the brakes have been very quiet.


    I found a pic of the product for you -



  3. I read about using fabric softener dryer sheets to remove love bugs a few years ago.


    I've been using them every love bug season since then to get those suckers off. They work pretty well.


    I just wet everything down and gently rub with the sheet. It doesn't cause any paint damage. Any brand should work. I have the Kirkland (Costco) sheets.

  4. Sorry I can't be of more help, but in the meantime, get some "Stop Leak" power steering fluid.


    I had a slow PS fluid leak in my old Pontiac Grand Prix. Using that stop leak fluid may the problem manageable for the mean time since I'll be getting rid of it soon.

  5. I live in South Florida where it can get really really hot, so I do some maintenance using the "severe conditions" timeline.


    Every 5k miles is fine, especially if you use synthetic.

  6. What do you think of the California Water Blade?


    I try to sheet the water when I rinse, but then I like using the water blade to get off most of the rest of the water. I use a soft towel to pat dry any spots I missed.


    I've been using that for years and so far all our cars have new looking paint. But I do also polish them all the time with Zaino stuff.

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