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About Strattonc85

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  1. Its not for everyone, and i did put a disclaimer on here. I'll have to post some pictures of the lights on because I didnt sacrifice any visibility, the light is still very bright and can most definatly be seen during the day and night.
  2. My friend just recently smoked the tail lights on his GMC Sierra and I really liked it so I talked my wife into letting me do the Edge, I think it will add a bit of edginess (no pun intended) to a somewhat plain family looking car. So to start things off I did just the third brake light, I dont have time to do the tail lights today but that will follow in the next few days. By no means am I a professional nor do I know your state laws, this is for reference only and may or may not be illegal in your state, check local laws. Says on the can in bold letters recomended for off-road use and not DOT approved. What you will need is: - Few pieces of 400-600 grit wet/dry sand paper (to scuff lights) and some 1000 or higher (to smooth out paint and clear coat) - 1 can of VHT Night Shades or Rust-O-Leum tail light paint (I used VHT Night Shades due to the fact its somewhat of a matte finish without clear) - 1 can of automotive clear coat (I used Rust-o-leum automotive grade gloss clear coat) -1 phillips head screw driver (for 3rd brake light the main tail lights use a 5/16 i think) To start off with remove the light, it has a foam gasket so it tends to stay in, you will have to lightly pry with a small screwdriver or anything that will fit just be sure to not gouge the light or spoiler. Next you will want to sand the surface of the light, I wet sanded the light with 400 grit sand paper just because you dont want too heavy or deep scratches because it could show through the paint. After its sanded wash it off with dish detergent to remove any oils or residue. After the light has dried for a while you can go ahead and paint. Use light and even coats, take your time because you may not want it too dark. After it has had time to dry I hit it with the 2000 grit to smooth the paint out. Then I did heavier coats of clear, just be careful because it can run pretty quick as mine did, so just take your time. after that let the clear dry for a few hours and re-install. Thank you for reading this, I will post a better how to on the actual tail lights.
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