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Ami Maishlish

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  1. They said that they had to log in to Ford and to download the software from there. Seems to be that the software is MicroS##t (pick the letters that you would like to substitute for the two ## spaces... :-) Maybe they have a 'patch Tuesday' for the sync units as well... or maybe just very low "made in China" hardware quality or maybe both. But I sincerely hope that I'm mistaken on both counts...
  2. bruce35, at least you were offered the "premium maintenance plan for free"... your cup has a few drops in it, so it's not entirely empty :-) I finally picked up my 2011 Ford Edge from the service dept. of the dealer after a week that it spent in 'sick bay' waiting for the 'back ordered' sync unit from Ford. (The sync went pooch after a couple of weeks). Here's how it went: Thursday the unit was to have arrived; however, by the report from the service dept. at noon, it hasn't. A call to Ford's "customer relations" dept. yielded "We can't help you now because our systems are down" (they must have been using sync :-) ), as did a follow up several hours later. Called the manager of the dealership; nice guy who attempted to help. I asked him, however, why was I not told that the sync has problems before I bought the vehicle (he said they had several of the Edge models with the same problem). I asked him if I could just return the vehicle, reverse the deal and call it a day. He responded that if he allowed that he'd have 80 2011 Ford Edge vehicles dead on his lot. He asked me for patience and said that he'll see what he can do. Miracle of miracles... within a couple of hours the sync unit arrived from Ford. They worked on it on that day and all day Friday (or so I'm told) and yesterday evening I was given the good news that it's installed and working fine. OK, back to the dealer to pick up the vehicle. It's now a few hours since then and the sync is still working. My trust in Ford, however, is shaken and it will take some time before I get that comfortable feeling that the sync or some other vital comfort and safety item will not croak at the most inopportune time as it did when the vehicle was only a couple of weeks old. I'll follow up with another posting in a couple of weeks with a "health and experience report" on the 2011 Ford Edge vehicle. I sure hope that I will have the opportunity to say "it's still working as advertised"
  3. It appears to me that the symptoms that you are noting are similar to those that I experienced shortly before the whole unit croaked. I'm up here in Canada (where by this time of year we also need the heater to work). I noticed that the airflow direction was also random and it did not keep the prior setting, and even engaged the AC (consuming gas) unnecessarily. I didn't get the error msgs. USB was erratic as was the Bluetooth randomly making and losing the pairing with the iPhone. When the unit croaked, I also noticed hesitation on acceleration at normal city and hwy speeds (Max speed that I ever took this vehicle thus far was 60Mph. I'm seriously concerned that there may be one or more safety issues involved if in fact (as per the dealership) the Sync unit impact the other systems in the vehicle. The major disappointment is that the problems with the Sync unit surfaced so quickly with fewer than 500 Miles on the vehicle. Oh, one more thing that I noticed was that the touch screen on the Sync unit is rather sluggish and slow to respond. This may be either a hardware deficiency or a combination of hardware deficiency with sluggish software. On the other hand, the buttons, directly below the Sync touch-screen, are quite responsive. You have to take care not to accidentally touch the button for the 4-way flasher as it will engage instantaneously. In hindsight, that 4-way flasher button is not positioned in an ideal location.
  4. Thanks for the heads up! I'll take this up with the dealer (Yonge Steels Ford Lincoln in Canada) when I'm there next time. Vehicle is there since yesterday waiting for the "back order" on the dead Sync module. According to the service mgr there, when the Sync module croaks it negatively affects various other safety and convenience functions of the vehicle. Just the fact that the Sync module is on "back order" seems to suggest that croaking Sync modules is a chronic flaw which may eventually require a general recall.
  5. I recently (at the end of Sept.) purchased a 2011 Ford Edge . A week ago SYNC lost Bluetooth pairing with iPhone. Pairing was re-established several minutes later. Subsequently, the next day Sync console remained on (but blank white) when the engine was turned off and doors locked. Opened door, re-started engine, then shut off again and problem appeared to be resolved. 3 days later, Sync screen totally blank and nothing would resolve problem. Took vehicle back to the dealership. After 4 hrs waiting was advised that the whole unit needs to be replaced... but it is on "back order" as there are no replacement Sync units available for a while. Moreover, another matter, vehicle was to have a trailer package. The dealer installed the trailer hitch but no wiring harness. The reason given was that the wiring harness is on "back order" and will only be available in roughly 6 weeks from the date that the vehicle was delivered. Most bothersome, of course, is the issue with the Sync module. Don't they test these units before they install them at the factory? Is this a common problem with the Sync unit (as it appears from other postings that some other owners are having similar problems as well)...?
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