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Posts posted by Jeramie630

  1. Gee, I hate to even mention this, but "rail dust" comes to mind. This is often more noticeable on light colored vehicles. If the vehicle was transported by rail or sitting in a rail yard for even a day or two, rail dust (small iron/steel particles of dust from train rails) settle on the surface. These particles of steel dust embed in the paint and show up as flecks of rust. There is a solution to the problem. Clay bar. Clay bar the car, to pull the particles out of the paint. May take two or three sessions. Just make sure to continually knead the clay bar and use adequate lubricant as you work.


    Oh never thought of that but thst sounds like what it would be as much as I hate clay baring I'll have to give it a try thanks

  2. Ok so I have a 2011 sport White and I have these little speckles of what looks like rust on some parts of my car anyone else's see this on theres? I have tried rubbing them off but it seems like they are under the paint. I'm goin to take it to ford this weekend but juat want to see if I'm the Only one

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