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Status Updates posted by tnyr35

  1. I will live at that ford dealer till its to my satisfaction.

  2. I agree. I have been looking to see if Ford has that policy that if i dont like it i can bring it back within a certain amount of days. What I enjoy is when the voice command doesn't understand the commands it just shuts off and the radio goes back on. I have another appoint on saturday for this darn faulting SD card and I plan on letting these people know how I am feeling about this thing.

  3. I could not agree more. I bought the 2011 SEL about a month ago. I have all ready had it in the shop once because the Navigation SD card keeps telling me its faulted. They 'fixed' it with firmware updates, now it happens twice as much. the main screen becomes unresponsive (just like microsoft windows) then it catches up about a minute later. It sometimes refuses to answer calls, it just...

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