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Posts posted by npggirl

  1. Thats COOL, but cmon, how cold can it actually get in NC? :yup:


    I was told that Remote Starts are NOW installed at the Factory, not dealer installed.

    well...Ummm...In NC....

    Would you consider snow, cold???? Just curious. Seeing as it snows here, that would suggest to me that it gets rather cold.

    And seeing as I have lived here all my life, 20 degrees is rather cold to me, and we have 15, and 20 degree weather in NC in the winters...

    I was unaware that it had to be Alaska to enjoy the warmth of a remote start...


    Oh, not to mention it gets damn HOT here...so...I can also COOl the car off in the summer....


  2. Las Vegas is a difficult place to make heads turn. What with the flashing lights, the gambling, and the lasciviousness, the average person's id explodes upon touchdown at McCarran Airport. It takes something really special to distract people in Sin City away from their base desires, which may be the reason why the only Koenigsegg dealership in America is based at the Caesars Palace in Las Vegas.


    Touching down on American soil for the first time last year at the same place where the late Evel Knievel wiped out while trying to jump monolithic fountains on a motorcycle, a U.S. spec Koenigsegg CCX was received by Exotic Cars at Caesars over the weekend.


    Employees at the dealership were so excited to finally get the CCX after over a year waiting, that they flocked to the showroom floor on Saturday just to take a look. "It is beautiful," said one employee, making the understatement of the year.


    At $935,000, hopefully the new owner will have some more positive things to say about the car. The Swedish automaker's first American customer will pick up the supercar in the coming weeks.


    More than 10 vehicles have been ordered. New customers will have to wait to own the CCX for about a year. With a top speed of 245 mph, the CCX goes 0-62 mph in 3.2 seconds, and hits 100 mph in 7.7 seconds.




    Hey....I am ready! I am SO ready! Ummm, how much You got in Your checkbook??? Cause, I don't think I can quite afford that CCX...lol...

    I am digging the car....Oh yeah...digging it...

    However, I must admit....I do wish Prince still had his 3121 gig going on there...I would be in there like a hair in a biscuit...*grins*

  3. Hey there...

    I have had one factory installed by Ford. It is doing fine for me so far.

    There is lots more on the subject though if you do a search...

    Have a nice day...


    Let me update my last post....

    It is factory ordered. Mine was ordered to come with my vehicle, then, they install at the dealership...

    Sorry...I just caught my mistake...

    Mine is doing great...I work in a hospital and have to park far far away every day, and I am able to have my baby warm by the time I get to it....

    I crank it up from inside the hospital....


  4. Miami Fl (AP) -A seven-year old boy was at the center of a courtroom drama today when

    he challenged a court ruling over who should have custody of him.


    The boy has a history of being beaten by his parents and the judge initially awarded custody

    to his aunt, in keeping with child custody law and regulation requiring that

    family unity be maintained to the highest degree possible. The boy surprised the

    court when he proclaimed that his aunt beat him more than his parents and he

    adamantly refused to live with her.


    When the judge then suggested that he live with his grandparents, the boy cried and

    said that they also beat him. After considering the remainder of the immediate

    family and learning that domestic violence was apparently a way of life

    among them, the judge took the unprecedented step of allowing the boy

    to propose who should have custody of him. After two recesses to check

    legal references and confer with the child welfare officials, the judge

    granted temporary custody to the Miami Dolphins football team.


    Both the Judge and the boy firmly believe they are not capable of beating anyone.


    You are a mess.....

  5. OK.......here's what I did and it seems to have fixed it. While I was waiting for my husband to get home, I finally got it to select "power lift gate off" on the message display and I shut it manually. Then I reset it to "power lift gate on" and the lift gate shut properly. I'm thinking it reset it somehow.

    Hopefully you are correct...there is nothing worse than having issues with a new vehicle, when you really want everything to work properly...

    Good luck!

  6. First, I am a retired Ford employee after 30 years. My wife and I decided to order a new Edge. Went to the Fairlane Ford Dealer here in Dearborn, Mi. She picked the color she wanted 'Creme Brulee, exterior and camel cloth interior. Well, the 2007 in stock was there, but not with the items we wanted. So, they brought us a 2008. Same requirements. NOT! For some reason the dashboard was BLACK? I asked the salesman and he said it's because of the glare off the dash complaints. Well, we didn't buy the Edge.

    I would like to know why someone would throw in a BLACK dash with a camel interior? What is wrong with a dark tan or darker brown? It looks STUPID. It distracts from the style of this new vehicle.

    Whoever made the decision to go black obviously doesn't have any taste in car color combinations.

    I would not recommed a new Edge for anyone for this reason.

    I will be ordering a new F-150 in a few weeks. I hope to God that isn't the same issue with the trucks. If so, then Ford will miss out on another sale.

    I do not agree with you.....I think the color combination is beautiful. There is no bad glare with this color dash...and I think it is a very very classy look...

    I am surprised you did not like it, but to each his own...

  7. We are having warm weather. i returned from shopping and hit the close button but it pops right back up as soon as it hits the bottom. I checked for any obstructions. There is a way to disengage power to lift gate but it won't allow me to do it because it is stuck in open position. Yes....I will have to get it to dealer with it open, I guess. Disappointing!

    Yeah, I agree...pretty disappointing...I have not had a problem with mine....hope that I dont. Keep us informed on what they tell you the issue is...


  8. That is just wrong. Have you called Verizon to see why it's not working?


    Not that you don't have anything else to do today.

    *chuckles* Yes, as You know, I am slammed with work today...as usual

    But no, I actually have not called them....I just know they put a lock down on their phones bluetooth capabilities....that is just like, I cannot send songs via bluetooth to other bluetooth phones because of Verizon...BUT...from what I have been reading...Verizon is going to be working with Googles new "Android" system, and they will be letting us do a lot more with out bluetooth..(and a lot more period). I hope so, because I really like a lot of things about Verizon....their only fault from what I can tell,is the blocking of some bluetooth functions...

  9. Try this link:




    npggirl posted good reviews about Verizon's Voyager.

    Hey, thanks SHIZZY!


    Yes, from what I can tell...there are MANY verizon phones that connect and work well with SYNC...

    The only thing I have found is the text messaging does not work...Now, I am unsure if this is due to Verizon "blocking" some bluetooth capabilities, or, if it is just the two phones I have tried...But, my previous phone was the Moto Q, a smart phone, and it did all sorts of things, yet still I could not send a txt via SYNC....My new phone, the Voyager, which actually works more flawlessly than the Q, does everything, again, except Txt...So, I am thinking it is Verizon blocking certain bluetooth capabilities....

    I am also thinking that most any phone from Verizon with Bluetooth will do exactly what my new phone does...

  10. I have an Edge and love the Synch capabilities. I am currently using a Blackberry curve and all works as promised. I wonder if anyone knows of a phone that can upload the phone book, allow for ring tone transfer and SMS capabilities through Edge. I looked at the compatability list and it seems no phone has all three. I searched the forums and did not find this topic, if it exists I am sorry for the duplication.


    I'd love to know the same thing...Mine does the ringtone and the phone use...BUT, I cannot send txt messages via SYNC...because of my phone...I think it is due to being with Verizon because they block some bluetooth features with factory phones...

    Not sure though

  11. I am soory that Ford seems to think grab handles are no longer necessary. Over the past 8 years I have had a Mountaineer and an Escape and love the grab handles............


    Are there aftermarket grab handles available?

    Grab handles as in the "Oh Shit!" handles? If this is what you are takling about, my Edge has 'em...

    Or are we talking about two different things here?

  12. G'day all, shifting to Colorado mid next year for a few years. Been researching cars on the net and have the Edge at the top of my list. Looking forward to seeing one in the flesh, and from what you guys say about yours, I won't be disapointed.


    You most certainly will not be disappointed at all...


  13. i am on alot of forums..and I moderate one of them as well..this is a great forum..but people do seem to get carried away sometimes..I know its all in good fun but sometimes its better if you don't say anything at all..if you don't have anything to add to the topic at hand. i know that I have read some really dumb post here that totally deserver a dumb reply..but there is a time and a place for everything..


    I am not taking a side here..but I wish too sometimes it were more serious at times.. I am not gonna block anyone..its not that big of a deal..but sometimes (tits) gets old...lol


    Well, see that is a matter of opinion...lol...

    Some ppl on here actually annoy me also...but that word....the one you said....I STILL crack up when I see it...


  14. I'm brand new to this site and I know this isn't the way to endear yourself to the members of a forum but it seems we have far too many wannabe comedians or folks who just want to hear themselves type using this forum. My wife just purchased an Edge and I happened upon this forum while doing research prior to buying it. This forum is a great source of information and really helped me make some decisions on some issues. However, it can be very irritating sometimes trying to follow a conversation on an issue because of the number of folks who add no value to a conversation whatsoever but feel they must make a smug, supposedly funny, condescending, plain stupid or other nonvalue added comment to the topic.


    My wife chose to buy a red Edge. When searching this forum I happened on the thread about more problems with the red color than other colors. Doesn't seem sensible there would be more mechanical problems but I could certainly understand if they meant paint or finish problems. In reading the thread some folks tried to post legitimate responses, helpful information and tried to do what I thought the forum was for - sharing information. Others mucked up the thread with their trivial, immature comments. I thought that was what the Lounge section was for? I'm not agains a bit of levity and humor but some folks don't know when to stop (and just aren't funny to boot).


    Well, enough said. I'm sure my ears will be burning shortly.

    It is true that some of us on here love having a great time....

    We joke and carry on...we have fun....

    This is a wonderful site....so I do hope you can overlook some of us silly folk, and find the info you are looking for...

    Some of us jokesters are actually helpful at times also...

    Hope your wife enjoys her Edge! It is a sweeet ride!!!!! I love mine...


  15. My statement was meant as a joke. Obviously, it was misunderstood.

    Ohhh, No no...of course not..

    I was cracking up...lol...lmao....rofl...all that good lingo jingo!

    I was running around saying...

    "HA...his funny post is the tits!"


    Ohhhh, pshaw. I am bored with this...time for bed.


  16. If you didn't get Cargo Management as an option $65. And you dont want to pay $250 from Ford Parts, an easy fix is to make it yourself. This is what I did with a friends Edge. I really should have taken pictures throughout the project to make a "how to" but failed to in my rush to just get it done. Here's a quick write up.


    1. Pry the foam insert from the rear of the vehicle. Its easier to work on it on a bench or table.

    2. Gently cut out the Styrofoam honeycomb that takes up the inside of the rear tire surround. DO NOT CUT THE OUTSIDE WALLS, ONLY THE INSIDE.

    3. With some medium and then fine grit sandpaper, sand smooth all the places you cut out the styrofoam honeycomb.

    4. At this point you have three options for finishing off your new cargo organizer.


    You can:

    A. spray it with paint to seal the foam.

    B. Fill it with a light coat of Bondo body filler, sand it smooth and paint it for a cleaner look.

    C. Fiberglass it, sand it, and then paint it to match your body color. (You can use cans of DupliColor and Clear you don't need to take it to a body shop)


    Sorry I didn't take photos when we did it. I can tell you it came out great! Im planning on doing it to mine when I eventually get one.

    Ill post pictures the next time. PROMISE!

    Pretty sharp idea!


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