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Heather Dontwannajoin

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Everything posted by Heather Dontwannajoin

  1. Yes. The top strip of the grill. This is my third Edge, and I reluctantly traded in my '11 for my '12 after having it for over 2 years. I thought there wouldn't be that much difference from model year to model year. I was wrong. Regardless, while driving on the highway, the chrome strip lifted up and flew over my car and almost hit the person in the lane next to me. I thought surely it was something from the road and then I stopped to check an sure enough, it was gone. Very upsetting.
  2. I have a 2012 Limited and took it on my first road trip today. While I was happily driving down the highway this afternoon, the top strip flew off and over my car. Luckily, it didn't hit anybody else. Has anybody else had this problem?
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