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Posts posted by NYEdge

  1. I agree with you that the handling is much improved. I still have the 18" factory wheels & I'm undecided if I want to change them now. I guess I'll wait & see how the plastic chrome holds up.


    BTW; I like your wheels a lot. What brand are they? :hyper:


    Thanks MXX2007.

    The wheels are from Zyoxx.

    They weren't cheap, but I really like to look and the quality is great.


    Here's their link: http://www.zyoxxwheels.com/

  2. I usually hand wash my vehicles unless it too cold out, then I'll use a touch-less car wash.

    I just waxed my Edge for the first time since purchasing.

    I used the Mothers California Gold 3-step Carnuba wax.

    All three products go on like a liquid wax and are rubbed in and then wiped off when they dry to a haze.


    The first is a cleaner that is used 1-2 times per year.

    The second is a glaze, and the final is a carnuba wax. (both can be used as often as you like)


    I applied the products on all the painted surface at first except for the bumpers to do a little test.

    When I took a clean towel and passed along the waxed surfaces, it flew around with no resistance at all.

    Once I transitioned from the waxed surface to the un-treated surface of the bumper, it was like hitting sand paper.

    I couldn't believe how "sticky" the towel felt on the un-treated surface.


    I recommend trying the product and I'll be sure to keep up on using it as well.

  3. Done a little more reading on this and it seems than AWD vehicle's will drive just like a FWD vehicle 99% of the time. Only once the front tires loses traction will power be transfered to the rear tires. Though I'm not sure if this is true for every AWD design.




    A car is only as good as its driver. Just use your heads for something more than hat racks. A wise man once said..."Don't fear the man who thinks like a computer... fear the computer who thinks like a man."


    Speaking of stability/traction control... both of my 07's are AWD and have a button to disable traction control. Why??? In what situation would it be desirable to turn traction control off?



    I was pondering the same thing myself recently.

    I came up with the fact that when we have our vehicles inspected by the state (NY) each year, the vehicle gets strapped onto dyno rollers so that the drive tires can run the machine for emissions. Even though the rear tires should not engage unless the front slips, for safety's sake the AWD should be disengaged.


    Any other ideas why you would disengage the AWD?

  4. A couple of times at slow speeds (usually traffic), I might be accelerating and have to break just as the gear shift is happening.

    When I then hit the accelerator, it can make a hard shift. I sum it up it a simple way; the transmission seems to stumble a bit.


    Not a major issue but I think as previously said, with there being six speeds, the chance for this to happen will be greater.

    However, I have never had a bad shift without some influence from me by having to change the accelerator position (either much greater or much less) during a shift.

  5. Saleen, everything is great!

    Don't go far from the Pete, that's what pays the bills. LOL


    This is a crazy time of year for me with work, so I haven't had much free time.

    Hope all is well with you.


    As far as the tire size, i mounted 275/45/20 on my Edge and the ride comfort is almost as good as stock.

    I'd say 20% less comfort, but much more response in turns.



    Check out this link: http://www.1010tires.com/TireSizeCalculato...p?action=submit


    It shows the technical difference in heights, width, rotation values etc...


    The main visual difference is .60 of an inch in size.

    The revolutions per mile does go up by 25 with the 35's.

    Overall I think that you wouldn't feel to much of a difference in the response in steering, but you would probably feel the ride get harder and feel more bumps in the road.

  6. Hey Saleen glad to see that you finally got your chrome on.

    Looks great!

    After I put my chrome on the whole vehicle look changed and I get lots of looks.

    I'm sure you'll get alot of head turns now.


    Congrats & Enjoy. :beerchug:

  7. RickQ,


    I left my stock chrome clad wheels with the sensors in them so that I can change my wheels when winter comes.

    Leaving expensive chrome wheels exposed to road salt is not smart.


    I ordered 4 new sensors and 20" straps.

    Make sure the parts guy at Ford takes the time to find the part number for the straps.

    They won't find it by using the Edge information because the edge does not come stock with 20's.


    Good luck.

  8. Nuebin,


    The rear cargo area is plenty big to fit a stroller.


    I took my son camping this weekend and we fit two sleeping bags (rolled up), a tent, two chairs (the canvas kind that fold up), and a beach stroller (like a cargo stroller to carry all of the above. In addition to the above, I have a 5 gallon cargo tote attached to the carpet with velcro for storing little items.


    All this was fit in the rear without folding down the seats. :rockon:

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