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Robot Dude

Edge Member
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Everything posted by Robot Dude

  1. Wow, thanks for all the feedback! It hasn't happened again since the first two times. I haven't done anything. I'm still on the same tank of gas. I do drive the car every day, but it's only a 10 minute drive to work. I will let you know if it happens again or not. I do love my Edge! Thanks, Jim
  2. Um, would these help, Amphojel, AlternaGEL, Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia, Maalox, Mylanta, Basaljel, Alcalak, TUMS, Quick-Eze, Rennie, Titralac, Rolaids, Bicarbonate of soda, Alka-Seltzer, Talcid, Pepto-Bismol, Pepsil? haha just kidding. Would an additive help? STP or something? Thanks, Jim
  3. Looking to see if anyone else is seeing this. My 08 Edge limited with 4,000 miles likes to die when I stop. It's happened twice in a week time frame. The first time I pulled into a parking place, and when I came to a complete stop the engine stopped at the same time. The second time I was backing out of my driveway and the engine stopped at the same time I fully braked to shift into drive... The gages and idiot lights are lit, but no vroom vroom. History o all 4 rotors replaced due to pitting at <200 miles. o 2 x transmission slippage at < 2000 miles. o 2 x engine dies at stop at < 4000 miles. $32k is a lot to pay for a car with these sort of problems. The cool look does not compensate...
  4. I have an 08 Limited and have had the same slippage problem. I have only seen it two times, and oddly enough it was leaving a restaurant we go to from time to time. So the transmission was probably not cooled down to room temperature. The road had a slight incline. It slipped at about the same RPM and I believe it was from 2nd to 3rd. It happened before I put 1000 miles on it, and it's never done it since then. However now I have a car (4000 miles) that likes to die when you stop. It's happened twice in a week time frame. The first time I pulled into a parking place, and when I came to a complete stop the engine stopped at the same time. The second time I was backing out of my driveway and the engin stopped at the same time I fully braked to shift into drive... Yay, fun.
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