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Everything posted by ibcnul8r

  1. My wife and I purchased a 2008 Ford Edge a couple months ago. we normally keep it in the garage. We took it for a nice long drive this weekend. We took it to Silverwood in Idaho. It rained at night one of the nights. And discovered it has a leak. We're not sure if it's the Vista Sun Roof or possibly around the antenna??? The water is coming from where the front dome lights are located. When we went around a corner, the water came out from that area. This is concerning me due to the fact that the dome light area is holding the water. Which means it's sitting in there and I'm hoping it's not going to short something out. Anyone have a problem with there roof leaking. Our is still under warrenty, but this kind of irks me that this brand new car has this kind of problem. And I don't want it to become a bigger problem. Thanks for the input.
  2. Wife and I purchased a 2008 Ford Edge. Nice vehicle, but we ran into a little problem. Found out the Vista Sun Roof leaks. NOT GOOD!!! We live in Auburn, Wasington. Hope someone can help out.
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