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About plumkrazy80

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  1. Great info on this thread about the catch cans. I'm undecided yet on which I'll go with. I understand the issue of the buildup on the valves. I come from the diesel development side of an OE Engine Manufacturer and we were required to do this Closed Crankcase Ventilation for emissions regulations starting back in 2004, so I get it, understand the concepts, have tested multiple iterations during engine development, etc. But I have kind of a dumb question I guess. For those of us in non-strict emission states like California, why don't we just vent to atmosphere? That will eliminate the whole buildup issue, period. That's what was done back in the day, but I get that then you won't be meeting the whole emissions thing. If you install an oil separator at the cover to let the oil condense out and go back into the valve cover and only allow the gasses out, it shouldn't make a mess of your engine. The way I look at it, a little combustion gas vented to atmosphere is nothing compared to the other prior emissions tier vehicles on the road still, or the guys that throw these massive tunes on the vehicles that bypass all the emissions equipment totally. Just a thought I'd had. Looking for some of your input.
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