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Yoga Gal

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  1. Yes, my detail guy gave me a look of horror yesterday when I asked him the same question. I had it professionally cleaned this morning and they got some of the high-traffic dinginess out. But it seems when they cleaned it, two spots came the surface, and one of them is the dreaded red. Both the dealership and the detail guy said whatever you do, don't spill a red drink in the car because it is impossible to get out. Apparently, the previous owner was not informed of this. And the two stains are on parts of the floorboard that are not covered by floor mats. Sigh. If anyone has any suggestions, I am all ears. Also, the seatbelts are stained and the detail place could not get them clean. How difficult would it be to replace them? I don't think that I would like to DIY because seatbelts are a very essential and important part of a vehicle, I would rather leave that to a professional. Would I need to take it to the Ford dealership? I know it sounds like this car is a huge dirtball and it is really not, the outside is sparkling. The inside is too, it is just the passenger floorboard and the seatbelts that are problems. And I know that is the risk you take when you buy a used car, but it only had 32,000 miles and we got a fantastic deal.
  2. We traded our 03 Xterra for an Edge this weekend and I am loving it. The ride is much smoother, I still have plenty of space to lug the basset hound around and the kids have lots of room. The salesperson at the Ford dealership told me that the Edge was voted the #1 vehicle for pets in 2010. Not the sole reason that I bought it, but I am sure Baxter appreciates it. We wanted one with a DVD player for the children but could not find one anywhere close with the other features I wanted. So I ordered a mounted DVD player from Best Buy and they are going to install it this weekend. While looking, we considered a Murano, our Xterra was a tank and very reliable, and we are from Tennessee so we like to support the Nissan plants. But my husband is an aerospace engineer and was very impressed by Ford's CEO (who used to work for Boeing) and how they did not take any bailout money. Plus, it is just a well made car. Here is my question for you guys- I have never owned a vehicle with a tan interior before. The floor is in good shape, but there are a few dingy places. What is the best way to clean it and get the high traffic spots out? Also, the leather interior. Do I need to scotchguard the seats? Loving my Edge so far and enjoying reading through this forum!
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