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Posts posted by CCL123
Just an update!
Got the throttle body installed on the Edge and it seems to drive better. This applies for how well the car accelerates from a simple red light as well! There is no more of that harsh thrust sometimes I get when I'm accelerating from a complete stop.
And also, no more stalling (hopefully)!!
Sorry for the late update, things have been crazy busy lately.
Update! My car throttle body caught fire. Don't know why! I was just driving and it stated to sputter like if the throttle was being tapped fast on and off. The I heard a crack with a squeal. Then my idle was non existent! Next thing I knew, the inside cabin started to smell like burning metal! I jumped out and open the hood and low and behold. ............. my throttle body was spring flames! And the butterfly flap was spinning 360 like the freaking exorcist girl! What the hell! All I could do was grab my cheap 50 cent bottle of water from my center console and rushed to spill itb in the throat of the throttle bottle! I'm telling you! I couldn't get the water to come out fast! I jugged it up and down while I called on the Holy Spirit to expel the demon from it! I prayed and prayed while I threw the water and commanded the evil spirit to release the throttle body! I said. .. " begone wretched demon! Go to the depts of hell where you came from! I command you to tell me you name demon! " then. .. silence. The fire was gone.
Thanks Ford. Your freaking tephlon special coating is garbage!
Read it, was extremely concerned, starting laughing, but since I thought it was real, felt bad for laughing and thought to myself how much of a bad person I am.
You sir just made me go through an emotional roller coaster
Picture isn't adding on for some reason.
Haven't got it installed yet as we are installing it ourselves, so they charged us $73 for the part.
I will let you all know once we install it ourself.
Just an update! Got the part today, it looks like a throttle body to me unless it's missing something...or my google image skills suck :P
And we weren't charged anything else other than the $73...no complaints here!
Thanks for your reply Todd and 2011edgese,
Picked the car up from the dealership today. We decided to get the Throttle Body changed out regardless as I would rather pay than risk my family being hurt. The price wasn't as bad as we thought, they charged us around $73 just for the parts and it will be ready for pick up on Saturday.
I got them to confirm the pricing multiple times because I thought that it would cost more, so I guess we'll see on Saturday whether or not they ordered the right part in!
So, second day at the dealership. They are not fixing anything since they can't "duplicate the problem". They asked me if I knew how to duplicate it, I told them if I did we wouldn't be having this conversation right now. Contacted Ford Canada, and they said the same thing as the dealership.
Does anyone have any tricks to get the car to stall?
Welcome and Congrats on the Edge!!
Looking at the price...still is cheaper than in Canada
I really don't get how the pricing works here -
Why would it be dangerous? The people behind you can stop faster using their brakes than you will as you decelerate. Not to say that it's not a serious problem, but I don't see how it's going to create an unavoidable collision in any kind of traffic.
Sorry, when I said "decelerate" I literally meant that the engine stalls. If I'm on a 5 lane highway (i.e. 400 in Canada) where everyone on average is going about 110 km/h, it's snowing, rush hour, and my engine decides to stall, I'm in a situation where I have to be quickly changing multiple lanes while not having the assurance that the people behind me have enough traction or distance to brake in time. Moreover, I may not have the traction to change lanes in time, and I can't guarantee that with whatever power my car has left, it will be able to take me to the emergency lanes.
Factor in that I may have kids in the car, and any situation that may put them in this kind of harm is a dangerous situation to me.
Hi Everyone,
A little late to the conversation, but thank you all so far for the information provided here.
My car as well has had this happen twice in the last 2 weeks. Both times were on the highway, both times we were going about 110 km/h when suddenly the car would begin to shake, and the check engine light would come on. Then the car would begin to decelerate, both times I was fortunate enough to swerve into the emergency lane, however I wouldn't have been that lucky if it was during rush hour.
As of now it's still in the dealership, and as they can't duplicate anything, they're telling us that in a few hours we might need to take it home.
The mechanic said he "thinks" it's the throttle body, but they are unable to do anything unless they're sure. Everything should still be under warranty as the car was purchased on Feb 28th 2011, if that matters at all. It's a 2011 SEL AWD with only about 30,000 km on it. Has anyone been having any luck with their dealership? Especially the ones that were told initially that the problem can't be duplicated?
I don't even want to think of how dangerous this can be if the whole family is in the car.
Thank you all in advance.
Got my edge back over the weekend and pleased with the new update
miss the temperature being on the home screen but is a change I can live with just happy to have my edge back hoping this is the last and only visit to the dealership on this issue.
Where is the outside temperature now? I might be blind but I was trying to find it today and I had no clue where it was
And I think they BOTH look really good
Oh, it's on like Donkey Kong, beeyotch!
"beeyotch" HAHA!!
Finally installed mine yesterday morning during my drive to Ottawa. Gotta say, I'm really impressed with the smoothness of the navigation system.
The overall look is amazing, and for some reason I'm loving the fact that it tells me to "keep left and proceed on 401east express" as opposed to the "keep right" and proceed on the 401.
Check of my pics of my car, it was the same as yours but I replaced the rims with black ones with a shiny lip. I felt it matched well with the handles and the other parts of the car with chrome on them. I didn't choose to paint the bottom plastic part white just because it was a hassle and I kinda like how it matches the black part on the side mirrors and the grill. I like the whole black/white scheme and it makes it unique
Good luck!
Check out this rock star parking! This is how I roll!
Dingo be careful though, my mom parked somewhere like that and some idiot decides to park their buggie on the side of her car
...there are some people who hate nicer/newer cars.
I think he wants to sell the largest piece of the grill, so the bottom-est one?
Maybe try the Classified section? Always worth a try.
Just got mine in the mail today (GTA area ) and I can't wait to install it. Just have to wait till we go on the next 1 hour trip
Im with Dingo, I find myself looking for other newer cars, an end spot so only one car can park next to me (and I try to get close to the curb so there is a lot of space between me and the other car), or in the back of a parking lot. I have been known to take pictures of cars parked crazy next to mine and write down the date and time on a note. That usually leads me to do a walk around my car when I come back to it. This is my first new car, so I'm probably paranoid, but I worked hard for it and I want it to stay nice.
The other week, some As :censored:ole put gum on the inside of my driver's side door handle. I was pretty upset, but that's the kinda stuff I want to avoid. Hence why I do the above. Luckily, I was able to get the gum off by holding ice on it for a few minutes to freeze it. It came off without a fight and no damage to the car.
GUM!? Wow what jerks.
I'm just happy that I'm not the only one who does this as all my passengers hate me for parking far. I don't try to park the farthest but I also do try to park where only one side of my car can be hit. I'm just always in awe of those people with the super nice cars who park like they couldn't give a damn about it!
If say I'm at school and I really have no choice in where to park, I always try to park near a camera that way at least I have some sense of emotional security! LOL. For me school is the most frustrating as some idiot decides to stick student parking near the baseball diamond!!
What?! Plus one on the shock poll for NO V6! Do you think they're going to have to make the Edge a lot smaller if they want to do 4 cylinder, but with the same power as the 6 right now?
But wow, 2014. Too soon to think that far! :stop:
And I have the factory Ford sticker one, it just feels cheap. I'm looking into investing into one of the scions also.
Yes could you please say which model?
Hi everyone,
As we all on here love our Edges, I always wondered where do people mostly park in the parking lot? I like the park further away from everyone mainly because I don't have to drive around looking for a close spot, but there's people who like to park far to keep their cars from being scratched and what not.
So where do you park or what spots do you generally look for in the parking lot?
You really just called an Edge "edgy?"
Yes friend, yes I did. :happy feet:
Woo Ontarioian! Hehe.
I love blacking out the emblem, I never thought of that. Did you have to take out the emblem before doing it?
And where did you buy the back bumper protector?
The Edge looks great ! It's Unique and Edgy
Throttle Body Service or Failure
in 3.5L
2 weeks into the new Throttle Body...Stalling AGAIN.
Same situation, on the highway going at about 110 km/h speed!
We change out the air filter as it was dirty anyways....we have no idea what more to do at this point