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Posts posted by Scorpio

  1. Rec'd the same notice a couple weeks back; didn't saying anything about a new nav SD card though?! Anyhoo, as mine 2.11 is working fine, I'm a bit reticent to upgrade at all (I'm a firm believer in "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" LOL, at least in my own specific case ;) )...maybe I'll hold off and see how it goes for everyone else first.

  2. The called back. They found another windshield in a warehouse they have to order in


    They said the windshield itself doesn't say sound screen, but it has stickers on it that says it plus acoustic.


    They will replace it with that, I'm still skeptical


    The correct FoMoCo piece should indeed say "SoundScreen" - it's at the bottom of the glass on the driver's side (see below).


    P.S. the only reason I knew about this at all was prior to buying the car, the salesman had pointed it out as one of the improvements they'd made with the Edge. So compared with the results you found above with a generic part, maybe he was even telling the truth LOL.






  3. Scorpio...Slow down...My extracted quote was not from your post- you jumped the gun.. CaptKirk & Limited were the extracted quotes. AND it was not to "get" anyone angry-or scare a new guy. It mearly point out relevant facts!!! - ie A low mileage driver & a new guy about 1 mth -that do not have strong bad experiences but stated that they do not use the system to its limits- & may inturn not see the possible crash & burn issues over time or under heavy usage of system resources as many others have- I guess you and others excluded. And hopefully they will never see it cause they can put on the upgrade when available. I bought my fullly loaded luxury Lincoln back in 2010 when they came out & have seen over time the performance, inexperienced dealerships, miscommunications, etc . I'll leave the mods replys alone- not my pissing contest.


    It's the 'net I know, and things get skewed *L*, but I was responding to this particular statement "But the ones in this thread that say it works fine do admit to not being..." as I had previously in this post replied that mine worked fine...broad strokes ;) . Just trying to keep it to facts as well, but again I digress. Thanks for the clarification though and happy motoring! :)





    But the ones in this thread that say it works fine do admit to not being the primary driver, low milage, not really using all the features to the fullest, not having all the features on the car, etc So lets take that into full consideration.


    That is incorrect. Where have I ever said that? I've quite clearly stated in many posts that mine is my daily driver and has been since I bought it last October, and I still have had no, zero, nada, zilch problems with MFT. And I do have Nav though that is used rarely, as being a daily driver, I usually know where I'm going LOL.


    Anyway, this is the new guys "welcome" post - why do so many naysayers have to jump in to piss in his corn flakes? There are other forums and many many posts exclusively for complaints, or even bitching and whining LOL. Those few who seem to want to turn just about every post on here lately into a bitchfest really is starting to take away from this forum. You got problems? I sincerly hope you get it fixed with the new update, if not, keep bitching at Ford - at this point, on here, you're only hurting your point, not helping it.


    Back on topic, congrats again to CaptKirk on the new ride and enjoy! :)



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  5. That is only partly true. You can use voice contrl while driving for either sync or the Navigation System...


    Exactly, the voice command "navigation" followed by "street address" allows you to verbally enter a destination - the few times I actually use Nav, this is the way I do it. Straight forward and no "hunting and pecking" on the screen, and much safer while driving and keeping eyes on the road.


    I may sound like a broken record here, as I've mentioned it a few times LOL, but I really find MFT - any of it's functions, to be easier to use with voice commands instead of hunting through screens and buttons. Just get used to talking to the car and it goes a lot smoother...buttons are so 20th century LOL!




  6. Why all the hostility and supposition against those who report no big issues with MFT, and...heaven-forbid..even go so far as to say they like the system?! Now I can certainly understand a certain frustration level by some who have genuinely serious problems with MFT, but some seem to have taken it to the level that they almost seem to hate those who don't have those same problems...that's just crazy. To say someone must work for Ford, to paraphrase, just because they post on here that their MFT works is, well, just as silly as me saying that someone who bitches and complains here all the time must work for GM LOL. See....just silly!


    I have no reason to doubt anyone who's said their MFT is fubar'd, nor have I ever questioned their reasons for saying so publicly. But a little common courtesy and respect though works both ways. And I still stand by my own experiences with MFT in saying it's worked flawlessly and is a big plus in ownership of my own particular car. It's a daily driver and has been since picking it up last October, has been on a couple extended road trips, and MFT, other than nav, is used extensively every time I'm behind the wheel. Just brain farting here, but maybe my own use of voice command almost exclusively (except for those seat heaters!) and staying away from buttons "helps"? Also, and again just pure speculation, since Canadian cars don't have all the MFT functions (no web browser, or all the sirius functions), the system itself is not as "challenged"?


    Happy motoring! :)

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