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Posts posted by Bryan003

  1. To each his/her own, and whatever floats your boat, but aren't taillights and 3rd brake lights on a vehicle for safety reasons, and SHOULD be highly visible? Sure tinting might look "cool", but if some arsehole behind you is flying down the road, doesn't notice your brake lights because they are tinted, and rear ends you, with serious, if not life threatening injuries, what R U going to do - tint the lights on your wheelchair? Might sound unreal to you, but I work with Family business - Funeral Home, and unfortunately, SHIT DOES HAPPEN !

    I did not ask for a speech on tinting the lights this is not my first car having the lights tinted!!! SO IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A ANSWER TO MY ? PLEASE DO NOT REPLY!!!!!

  2. I waxed my 08 MKX and unfortunately got some wax on the plastic trim panels. No problem I thought but the wax turned white when it dried and I can't find anything to get the wax out. Crappy Tire used to sell a wax remover but they don't sell it anymore. I also thought that time would help me out but there is still a white residue on those panels. I've tried lots of different chemicals - amonia, CLR etc but nothing touches it.

    Does anyone know of something that will remove this? How about the stuff from eshine as mentioned above?


    Back to black will get rid of it my father uses it on his truck when he waxes cuz he doesnt have a steady hand like me lol and gets wax all on the plastic
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