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Everything posted by fledgex

  1. Here is my Offer, All 4 for $600.00, Plus shipping, include sensors. Somebody Needs these AND Wants them. Get them quick...
  2. IF you go with Sirius, whatever deal, DO NOT use a credit card. Insist they bill you. Hard to get them to stop charging your card.
  3. Good info, thank you. Still waiting for the USB.
  4. Welcome to the site, Wi ski.....
  5. Yeah, I took the easy way. My USB on the way as well.
  6. fledgex


    Not gonna happen is it?
  7. Try another dealer on price. Buy an exact key on eBay ($20 or less) for a 3rd key. AFTER you have number 2 programmed, you can program the 3rd yourself and have a spare.
  8. Still available. $700.00 plus Shipping with sensors.
  9. Mine is. Used the ford owner, sync my ride download (30 minutes) told me it needed files in root. Did that, sees the drive and files but cannot load the update.
  10. Same here. Keeps giving errors. I may call the 800 number and see if they will send a USB pre- loaded with the file(s).
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