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Posts posted by 007

  1. That explains why he acts the way he does here. Its the same as the wife wearing the pants in the household.


    You are so full of sh*t your eyes are brown....The wife has long commute on one of the most dangerous interstates in the area...I want her in something that will give her a better chance of survival in an accident...of the other 4 cars I own, the Caravan gets the best gas milage, which is why I started driving it when gas went over $3.00 a gallon several months ago...I was driving my 1993 E150 MK.III conversion van, but it gets 12mpg vs. 20 mpg for the Caravan....

  2. The lifetime is the lifetime of the radio that you register with Sirius...If you plan on keeping that radio longer than what the equivalent to 550 CDN ( what's that...$20USD?? hahaha) in monthly fees ($12.95USD a month times however long you keep the radio) , then it is worth it....if you change radios, the lifetime is over...

  3. ""Anyway, I guess the guy thought I would slam on the breaks. Well...I gave her a lil more gas. The rear of that suv looked like a crushed soda can. Was hilarious! Only felt like a speed bump. Some of his white paint got on my black bar...Grrr! He had to get towed, replace all the glass and panels from rear doors back and a ticket for C&R driving. I drove home, rubbed his paint off and had a beer.


    So, the lesson to learn here is...don't do that to crazy arse rednecks that don't give a f**k...like me. I'll drive over you, threw you and been know to give ppl a little push if driving too slow...but wont stop...EVER...for cocky city drivers. 8-9k lbs + newton's 1st law= me feeling a lil bump and pushing most cars/trucks at will in 2WD. BTW, if I was in a small Honda...I WILL STILL HIT YOU AND LAUGH. Then let you pay to fix it!


    You have been warned!""


    Ahh, but in Maryland, if you hit someone from behind, it is YOUR fault...no ifs, ands or buts...YOU would be ticketed for following too close...but, I do asses the situation first before I take action....if someone like you were behind me, I wouldn't do a brake job...I would take other action...but, most of the sheep that tailgate are driving high dollar cars, and really wouldn't want anything to happen to their little precious toys....to me, a car is a piece of sheet metal....it ain't no love doll....

  4. You do have just cause to ask the dealer to check your Edge if the "check engine" light is on....if it turns out that it is coming on because you installed non-stock headlights, then the dealer is not obligated to do anything for free...I have never heard of a check engine light coming on because of a leak, but, with the way everything is run through the onboard computer these days, I guess anything is possible......

  5. Anyone peaking here that is considering buying a new car SHOULD read "Don't Get Taken Every Time" by Remar Sutton.....it is funny and informative, and will give you insight as to how the little dictatorships known as "dealerships" operate.....

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