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Posts posted by Tacyon

  1. I'm pretty sure its not just Pandora. Ask Siri to find out which Sirius stations are playing Christmas music. She'll have to open a web browser which she won't want to do for you. I'm pretty sure it gets borked after this as well. (fyi I have chrome installed so it opens it vs Safari.


    I think we might be saying the same thing. It certainly is Siri's voice and her saying that she won't do a given cmd when asked to verbally. However I believe and that is substantiated by the PDF you so graciously linked, That it is MFT telling her to deny a given cmd.


    "feature to control Siri responses that include display information and can be enabled or disabled as needed." This is AFTER its established the SCO & BT link. I suppose I could contact my programmer friend that does mobile apps and also drinks the apple juice. Perhaps he'd know what capabilities iOS has related to this.

  2. "is supported only for Bluetooth-enabled vehicle entertainment systems and should not be used by any other accessories" so no testing outside of an automotive environment.

    "feature to control Siri responses that include display information and can be enabled or disabled as needed." ""can be enabled or disabled"" which device determines this, iOS or the Accessory giving the Siri connection the AT cmds? Secondly, it "can be enabled or disabled", the option is there to be told enable or disable restrictions.

    " iOS device will listen for the HFP AT command AT+APLEFM to enable or disable Eyes Free mode." This is the function that Ford added to active the existing Eye Free mode.

    "This command is used by the iOS device to modify Siri responses that contain visual information or require user interaction. Suitable audio feedback and voice commands will be available to the user based on the Siri use-case that was initiated." I'm reading this as Siri is being told how [restricted] to interact with the Eye Free Accessory (see quote #2)

    Unless I missed it, what I didn't read in that PDF was where iOS, while in Eyes Free mode, enforces a restriction on apps that cannot be used while in Eyes Free mode. What it does say is that the option is there to "...control Siri responses that include display information...” and that those options "can be enabled or disabled as needed."

    So again, Siri is doing what she is told to do which also is reflected that even WHILE in the Eyes Free mode ["Once the accessory has enabled Eyes Free mode, it remains enabled for all subsequent Siri sessions initiated from the accessory until the accessory disables it or the Bluetooth connection is disconnected."], I can still cause her via voice cmds to do whatever the hell I tell her to.

    So again, speculation aside (including links from other forums where sheeple have echoed the same speculations) I don't see where Siri is the cause here. She is doing as she has been told, don't allow "X" if asked to do so while in Eye Free mode.

    Now, all of this banter and programming fodder aside, can we at least agree that being able to use ones voice to cause the car and now Siri to do things without the need to physically (hands or eyes) interact with either the car or the "Accessory" is the reason for voice recognition/cmds to begin with? And if so, me (and others) expecting to be able to say "Siri - Open Pandora, station Christmas, Play." or simply "open Pandora and play" all while my iPhone is in my back pocket IS the intuitive action to be expected.

    p.s. "...2 and probably 3 (self proclaimed) IT professionals..." PM me your real name and company and I'll verify for myself. Until then, self proclaimed.

  3. Leave ford out of it and research what is there now for iOS in the way of automotive and driving restriction. Other than a tech patent and some apps, I'm not seeing anything (yet). And of the apps I've found, there are settings, triggers, installs. Ever the "built in" stuff discussed by the carries there are limits like only preventing texting. (does that even include answering an email) side discussion, I get a text, MFT reads it to me. I get pulled over for what ever and the police scans my smartfone and sees that I've just read a text. I was hands (and eyes) free. So, illegal? I think not counselor.


    My and I suspect other's point Akirby, is that you can NOT say 100% that its iOS as much as I can not say 100% its ford. But my opinion is that ford is the culprit. Either by passing a "nullify" bit along to iOS or who knows. And I base MY opinion on what I know about these systems. My testing and those results. And my prejudices which i CAN say are equally biased.

    I love my Ford but it aggravates me from time to time.

    I use my iPhone as a tool but strongly dislike it partly because of all the sheeple that bought into the propaganda. (the one I have is work deployed and I'm required to carry it. Server downs are a bi*ch at 2am) Too many things to brother listing here.

    With that being said .. I don't think this is an iOS thing. It may be, but I don't think so.

  4. Then once that is enabled, set your mirrors, seat position. Then press and hold the "1" button (I have a 2011 and its right there next to the head light switch) you'll hear a soft "bing" and its set. It should happen when you enter or exit or press the "1" button.


    A 2nd setting can be set to the "2" button. And I'm assuming that what ever was the last active button (1 or 2) will be the one that gets set when you enter the vehicle.

  5. ok - how is hands free, eye's free, distracted driving helped when I'm forced to look for/at my phone to interact with the "button" versus simply using my voice to issue the very same cmd and leaving it in my back pocket as I do now. (I just won't be launching pandora bedfo


    It's okay. you [akirby] can give in and admit you're wrong. I won't think less of you for it. One of the two of them made a bad design decision or overlooked the obvious. There should be NO RESTRICTIONS when utilizing voice control which since talking is not a consideration for distracted driving is a logical way to "safely" interact with any technology while driving.


    BTW, I'm deadly serious about drivers that "phone to ear talk on the phone", check email/social media status, or flat out text or answer emails. I've even caught and confronted police doing all of the above while they're driving. (not sure what service they were using, but clearly "on the smart phone with their thumb going"!)


    (ps. relax .. now I'm pushing your buttons.)


    April of last year Cliff notes: (TL:DR)

    "no input from the car and uses the iPhone's accelerometer and other on-board sensors to determine when a user is driving"

    "Another method uses direct input from a car, which sends a signal to the iPhone that blocks a user from text messaging and using other mobile phone functions while behind the wheel."

    "would allow a phone to be used in a car by the passenger"


    All of which points to nothing in place now.... possibly on the way and possibly triggered by the vehicle. How else would Siri now where I was unless she was told, by MFT.


    Here is an app to give iPhone that "F-you, you're in the car" functionality. Why is there an app(s) to do this if its builtin and a function of iPhone.

  6. My testing last night was a variation of my first test in that I wanted to make sure it wasn't somehow related to Pandora.


    Brings to mind a scene from The Jerk when Steve was working at the gas station and a sniper was tring to shoot him and kept hitting the quart sized containers of oil. He yells, they hate the OIL.


    I wanted to make sure Apple didn't just hate Pandora. So I repeated the same test only I used google maps vs Pandora.


    I asked for the nearest pizza place, Siri found one and would gladly direct me to one. But as soon as I asked to "open google maps" (ie. a third party app) I was denied and subsequently denied from any further actions that I had been allowed to do prior to the attempt to open google maps.


    Next test, make it fail, then shut off the car (only, leave iphone as is, powered up) and then start the car and repeat. I'm betting it'll work again until I attempt to open a third party app and get locked out again.


    There is something definitely wrong. A test that I can't do that would (might) address the "it's a cmd coming from a automotive vehicle and therefore Siri knows to NOT comply" would be to use a BT headset and try these cmds from there.

  7. I'm considering moving this (my issue here) to a new thread with links here. What do you think Akirby?


    Testing last night .. interesting results. And I'm still NOT convinced that its a Apple thing. I could be wrong but the tests are still not conclusive.


    I did these tests last night and did each one right after the other. While driving, pressed steering wheel button, got Siri, and had to following.


    Me: "Tell Brandon this is a test."

    Siri: Your message to Brandon is "this is a test" ok to send?

    Me: Yes.



    Me: "Text Brandon this is test2."

    Siri: Your message to Brandon is "this is test2" ok to send?

    [Worked as well]
    Me: "Open Pandora"
    Siri: Hmm, Sorry Lane I can't do that while you're in the car."
    Me: "Tell Brandon this is a test."
    Siri: Hmm Sorry I can't do that while you're in the car."
    Me: "Text Brandon this is a test."
    Siri: Hmm Sorry I can't do that while you're in the car."
    So it would appear that the texting works until you get denied by attempting to run a third part app on the iPhone. Then everything attempted after that failure is also a denial. Can any one else confirm? And for sake of testing, use Pandora as the "third party" app to test with.
    "Direct to Siri" via button on iPhone (no MFT involved) works every time, any sequence. I'm willing to concede that Siri might be getting notified by MFT that its in a car and therefore being accommodating is verboten. But .. the testing does not bear that out. You're assuming that its Apple as much as I am that its Ford's MFT causing it. Of the two, despite my personal opinions on Apple, their track record is better than Ford's MFT.
    [joesworld] Yeah, those were the first settings I tested.
  8. I had to do a repairing after this update. I have rebooted the iphone as well. I just updated to the 9.2 software this morning. (new update available as of friday) so I'll try it again now that the iphone is on the most current iOS now. I have my doubts that iOS update will correct this as it's just NOW out and the MFT update has been out since Oct.

    Can anyone confirm their settings on the iPhone?

  9. Well, I'd be a happy camper and "take it back" if it turns out to be just a setting. Spend some non-rage time today looking around in the iphone settings and didn't really see anything that looked related.


    How can you say "This is not a Ford restriction" when it works fine directly on iPhone but doesn't via MFT? Even with the iPhone "paired and knowing that I'm in the car, it still works on the iPhone and not via MFT.


    Try it USB, a plausible solution but a far second given the pimp'd convenience nature of doing this all while it's in my back pocket via BT.


    iPhone 6 running iOS 9.1

    Settings\General\Siri\Siri Enabled (obviously)

    Settings\General\Siri\Allow "Hey Siri" enabled.

    Settings\General\CarPlay doesn't appear to be 'in the game'.


    Any other suggestions or things to consider ?

    Settings\Touch ID & Passwords - Allow Access When Locked -> Siri is enabled.

  10. I'm surprised that I didn't see anyone else mention this but I will admit to not reading every page.


    Re: Siri - I was all excited to be able to activate her from my steering wheel controls vs looking down to identify my phone in the cup holder (or my back pocket), check to see that the round button as "UP" and then press and hold it to get Siri.


    I did this update, (~25 minutes, no issues outside of wallpapers being MIA and ambient lighting reset as has already been mentioned) and then came my first test of Siri. Held the steering wheel button for 3-5 seconds, got the "Siri" in the upper left hand quad phone area, and commanded her to "Open Pandora" and was greeted with "Hmmm, I'm sorry I can't do that while you're in the car." WHAT THAT F*** ?!?! @#$#$%^$&^%%^*$%^#$%@


    I've already got a thing about not wanting to drink the apple juice but then to have the bit*h dis me this! Wait ... she never denied me before. So I tried several other phases and got the same response. Picked up the iphone and pressed the button, "Open Pandora" and what do you know, pandora opens up without any sass from Siri.


    Ok, Lets test texting someone. "Text Brandon" (my son) "Hmmm I'm sorry I can't do that while you're in the car."

    Test this with the iphone round button, works as expected.


    Way to go Ford, you screwed up apple tech. I didn't even think that was possible.


    Siri feature = useless. (unless you want to know the weather whilst driving in China)


    So basically, Ford "F'd" up even this simple implementation someone else's tech. The Siri'ize feature is going to force me to look down at the phone and interact with it. The exact opposite from what the design philosophy is supposed to eliminate. But I can ask for the weather! Very useful if I can't just look outside the windows.


    p.s. Ford, you suck.

  11. I have the push button & remote start on my 2011 limited. I'm looking into something that can seriously increase its range. Its strange, (not really) but the factory RF xmittter will sometimes go 300-400 feet and other times, way shorer.


    I located a cellular device that is basically a few relays triggered by a cellular module. You "call your car" and press a button and that closes the relay on a spare key fob that you've grafted to this cellular module. The article that I was reading reported that it worked great but the hack factor and monthly data charges leave me unimpressed.


    Thru all your research have you tripped across a way to enhance the factory range? Either boosting the RF reception or ???

  12. Update .. recent visit to my dealership for this PTU fluid change out and other things, they were unable to "reproduce" the issue I described which didn't surprise me given its random nature.


    They reported that they "adjusted the remote start module".


    This weekend it did it again. Pressed the remote start sequence, observed that it turned over and started, then promptly shut off. Second attempt it started and stayed running for the 45 seconds or so it took for me to reach it and press "the button"

  13. Does anyone definitively know if ESP covers clear coat flaking off ?


    I have a spot the size of a sandwich (regular bread, not subway !) that flaked off my driver door and I'd like to have this info in hand if/when I get the wrong info back from the dealership I'm in contact with.


    (is there a post that has our resident Ford reps in here ?)



  14. I installed these same switchbacks in my 2011 edge with no resistors. I think that the ones I have might have had the resistor built into them idk, and ExNascarDood basically the resistor makes the LEDs appear to have the same load or resistance as a normal "filament" bulb. Something that the flasher relay needs for its flashing function. Its used as a safety indicator for when I bulb is burned out. They flash much faster OR don't at all.


    In my case, I still (for now) have "normal" bulbs in the rear end and THIS might be why I didn't have an issue with no resisters when I converted to the switch backs up front. This might change when I install the bright lights upgraded light pods in the rear end. But I don't think so.


    Also a possible option but only if you're replacing all turn signals to LEDs would be, they have LED flasher relays that are designed to work with LEDs versus filament bulbs.

  15. Generally speaking .. on a 2013 its not going to be a mechanical failure like the starter solenoid. If it makes it past the one month mark, they'll last for the "normal life period"


    The term "short" is a scary and usually a catastrophic event. If the circuit in question is not fuse protected, a short will result in a destroyed wire and in most cases, smoke and secondary damage to surrounding wires, molding etc.

    An "OPEN" is more likely which is a break in the connection integrity (on the positive side) or on the grounding side. This is usually not destructive and results in "X" hardware just not working, randomly.


    To further complicate things, in our newer hi-tech Edge's there are far less standard 12VDC feeds to and from devices. There are "logic lines" that are on much smaller wires and control "modules" and other computers and are either "hi" or "low" with respect to ground. Thereby triggering said function On or Off, Yes, or No. etc.


    So, the sensor for the "is vehicle in park" condition is suffering a faulty ground, what should be "high" for "Yes, I'm in park, its ok to start" is seen a low "I'm not in park" and hence the vehicle won't start.


    So, bad sensor, bad wiring, bad connectors. There are tests for each of these that the tech could run thru. In time he'll gain experience and would look at "X" first.


    All that being said .. computers do not like excessive heat. If there's going to be an issue, it'll happen in an elevated thermal environment. It might even be something as odd ball as a "variance" on the control module made worse by the heat. Heat it up and again that "high" signal is seen as a "low". Again, something a tech can connect into a see. BUT it has to be in fail mode when he looks. I doubt this would save a fail code.

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  16. Update: $280.00 later and they changed the lubrication in the PTU, rear differential and since it was there, the engine oil which was due in < 500 miles.

    Status of the oil in the PTU (sample collected) dark used oil, No metal debris as searched with magnet. Cost = $~110.00

    Status of the oil in the rear diff, dark used oil. Less viscosity that the used PTU oil but that is to be expected given the starting weight. No metal debris as searched with magnet. Cost = $~110.00


    Front right strut, no oil leaks .. however, also ZERO rebound as well. This was the cause of the "knock in that corner when traversing mild bumps in the road and sudden, excessive tire ware on that tyre.


    Remote Start would occasionally start the engine, then seconds later, the engine would shut off, OR, it wouldn't start at all just cranking ~ 1/4 to 1/2 turn. Subsequent attempts (while approaching) were non-responsive and a horn beep. In all cases, I could enter and manually start. For this they "recalibrated the remote start module" which I took as they "looked at it and shrugged their shoulders and marked it complete. And while I'm happy there was no metal debris found in either case, and there is now new fluid in both, I'm not excited about the fact that now for 3 days for the first time have oil on the garage floor in the vicinity of the PTU making me believe that it was refilled by "specified" volume and NOT by volume removed. Which also causes me to question how much was actually changed out. Since warranty is up my time this coming April, I'll be adding a drain plug and getting my own satisfaction.

  17. 2011 AWD Limited - ESP out to 125k miles (yea!) I was going to install a drain plug as that seemed to be the best fix from an engineering stand point. However, I got to thinking about how dealerships in general and Ford is no different, love to not pay for things if they can find a wiggle way out, I've opted to have the dealership do a preemptive "check and change" on the PTU and rear diff fluids versus me do my thang. I've asked for samples of both fluids as I want to put eyes on. If no issues with the lubrication is found then its ~$110.00 per part to R&R. $220 I'll gladly pay to keep the warranty (and PTU) intact and not have to crawl under my Edge and suck it out myself.


    The main "primary" reason for me taking it in was to address 1) Airbag warning light is on. 2) Remote start has started (pun needed) to not. It'll start and then 5-10 second later the engine will stop. Or it click once and never starts. In any case I can enter the vehicle and manually start it the normal way.


    Because these "primary" reasons are covered under my ESP, I get a rental for the duration. Guess what the rat bastards (jk) at Enterprise gave me to drive?? You got it ... a 2015 AWD Titanium Edge (base) !! Booya !!


    So now I get to test drive the truck I was kicking around purchasing in 2016.

    I'll post my impressions in a separate post later.

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