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Posts posted by Tacyon

  1. Tonight was the night to stop by the dealership on the way home. And the service writer (everyone else had left) did figure out how to load the software into my system. So 911, vehicle health report, ambient lighting and global navigation, were the missing apps that all got reloaded. Didn't lose anything as far as wall papers, station memories. Not even my cell bt pairing. I did have to resync the time. no biggie tho.


    I wished I wouldn't have had to spend 2 hours almost sitting it the waiting area and them to have done this or checked it the first time out.




    It was dark, cold and I was not far from home and headed that way, I almost drove away until I came to my senses and decided to make sure I wasn't hemorrhaging any vital fluids and that Bambi had actually checked out completely. (thank you springfield armory) Despite all the damage to the front I was able to drive it for the next two days (day light only) while looking for a body shop that was going to be able to take it in withing the next 3 month's. There'd been an ice storm two weeks previous and every body shop was booked for the next 30-60 days !


  3. Found this link and it addresses most of what you ask and more. MFT with USB drive tips


    I can tell you that what enigma said about folder layout is pretty close to accurate. However assumptions are not followed as you'd assume. :doh:


    for instance and assuming all mp3 tags (meta data) are correct on all my tracks .. took me 4 freaking weeks to get that all corrected!


    Now with this layout <artist>\<album>\<track.mp3> you can say "play album X" and it finds that album out of the 2500 albums from 628 artist or so that I have.

    "Play artist VanHalen" and it'll play all 223 tracks from 17 albums in my VanHalen folder.

    "Play track Beautiful Girls" and you can get just the one you wanted from the path \VanHalen\The Best Of Both Worlds\


    Now I also enjoy movie sound tracks and I have a folder setup like this -> \soundtrack\movie\track.mp3

    One might assume that I could say "play album abyss".. and the movie name "abyss" being in the "album" position this technically should work. However MFT gets confused. I'll be presented all the tracks inside Abyss and asked to choose.

    Remember, I said "Play album Abyss" so it "should" look for it as such. The fact that in my head I have a artist called "Sound Tracks" and albums (movies) within should be enough. "play album abyss" should be no different than if I'd asked for "play album 1984" which was in \VanHalen\1984\jump.mp3 and does work.


    There is also a relationship between this folder structure, the file names themselves and meta data (mp3 tags) but I'm not sure on how tight this relationship is and which one takes precedence.


    1) mp3 tags - are all spot on. I've gone over this with a fine toothed comb (actually a freeware app called mp3tag - awesome)

    2) the file name format I use is "Artist - Song Title.mp3" and I did this so i'd always know who performed a given song. Although lately I've been considering dropping the "Artist - " preamble something the MP3TAG app can do to 7500 songs in a few minutes. Way f'in cool.

    3) folder structure. Mine is \artist\album\song.mp3 Artist folder being in the root level of my flash device.


    and this works for 98% of everything on my 64gb flash drive with the exception of the aforementioned sound track folder ... :whistling::shrug: .


    ... the research continues. I need absolutes. If there are rules .. they must apply, consistently.


    ps - I see that Sandisk make this flash drive now but since the MFT USB interface is undoubtedly v2.0 you'd not realize any benefit except being able to load data to it from a computer much faster assuming the computer in question had USB v3.0.

  4. amature B) ... and negatory on the air bags (more on that in a bit).




    the dent over on the right headlight was the where bambi's head got thunk'd. The butt end was pretty much at the drivers' side light/grill seam. Impact was about 40 mph at full braking. She appeared out of my left "A" pillar and my first view of her was ~15' in front of me running left to right. Didn't make obviously.


    Final bill, was bucks shy of $10,000.00.


    Now, about those air bags, if you look closely at the picture you'll see two diagonal cross members going up towards the center of the hood. The airbag sensors are mounted midway up those on the face. The impact broke both lose from their mounts and then severed the wires on the drives side one preventing the bags from going off or shorted out the module that was supposed to trigger the bags. Don't know which came first. I asked the mechanic to clarify this for me, I impacted a large object dead (pun intended) center, which broke both sensors off and yanked the wire harness from the other and shorted that against the frame (ground) which either prevented them from deploying or shorted out the airbag module preventing deployment. Does anyone else see a problem here. Just about ANY frontal impact could do the kind of damage I saw and the airbags didn't deploy ??? WHEN WOULD THEY DEPLOY ??? I'm glad they didn't as that would have not been an enjoyable experience (less so than what the deer went thru) but still.


    Good luck on your repairs .. hope you don't have the follow ups I had to get things corrected that were missed the first pass thru.

  5. what he ^ said and to kick the dead horse one more time .. (thunk) while a tone might be useful above 35mph, +turn signal on, +car in the zone, i can not think of any situation where you still would not LOOK first before moving into the next lane.


    If you entrust technology too much without human verification, you'll end up being disappointed, big time. Just saying.

  6. Where did I say that ? I don't actually remember which came first .. but what I do remember is that the Razr MAXX had it [the 911 link] and now with this combo I don't. Which is why I didn't initially assumed that it was related to the APIM replacement. My subconscious IT brain figured that the other guy did his job.


    Had I known that there were "additional add on, loaded separately" applications .. I would have made that connection myself the minute I noticed it wasn't there as an option to enable (nor had I been asked at pairing) and called the dealership under Rule #7 of IT - NEVER trust the other tech, verify and test for yourself.

  7. not really named .. but referred to as "the mistress"


    The first night I had her home [Edge] ... at the end of the night I said to my wife, goodnight honey, I'll see you in the morning!" She loudly exclaimed "Where are YOU going?" Outside .. I'm sleeping in my Edge tonight !


    Not really but it was good for a laugh.

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  8. okay, and I remember a long time ago with the Razr MAXX that when I'd paired it.. I was asked. So I RTFM'd and found where you're suppose to re-enable it. Nothing there. I looked around in the "logical" menu selections, nothing. Then while staring at the main Help screen my eyes focused (not ford focus'd) at the "if you have any technical issues call 877-945-3648" and while I'm not interested in talking to Patel or trying to, I figured Hey, what the heck, lets see how good of an experience this is. Called, was asked one question by the ARU about which version I had, got connected to a single RING and much to my surprise an english speaking, American accented person answered the phone! He was not at all surly and after asking me the logical "are you in your car and parked?" questions, directed me to the spot I had been and said one of those options there will be for the 911. And after listing off all the available options which didn't include the 911 option, he said, ok I see what the issue is, it would appear that the dealership that serviced your car didn't load the extra software for that option. :headscratch::doh::rant2::banghead:


    I then asked, "what other ancillary software should be loaded like this?" He said, "Turn by Turn, Vehicle Health Reports, & 911 none of which I'm seeing here" !!!


    To quote Gary Oldman aka "Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg" DISAPPOINTED !!


    So my recent 14 day APIM replacement ordeal, they forgot (missed) loading the "additional" software. Now I have the privilege to visit "that dealership" again and insist that they load the additional software they neglected to on my first, 14 day visit while I wait !!! grrrrr.


    Wonder if I should bill my time at my normal rates.

  9. I recently had my Motorola Razr MAXX replaced with a Galaxy S5. I didn't notice it right away and now its bugging me. The little medical alert icon for the BT attached phone is no longer present. This is the 911 interlink between the car and 911 should you be involved in a catastrophic vehicular calamity. It's suppose to call 911 on your behalf is my understanding.


    The question is did I miss a permissions grant at pairing (I've deleted both sides and repaired and didn't see one) or is the S5 not "that" compatible with MFT?


    Does anyone here have a Galaxy S5 and have the little medical icon when your phone is paired ?



    Funny discovery.

    I'm driving to work this morning .. and had just tried to call a co-worker (speed dial icon) When that was fruitless I placed the phone on my dashboard right above the MFT screen face up. Just to the left of the rear view mirror I have a hardwired, window mounted Escort ix9500. I'd set the phone on the dash about 1 mile from a toll plaza (LE hangout) that I was approaching and all of a sudden I got lit up with laser big time. Solid lock by someone, somewhere. I was only 5-7mph over but backed it down a bit and slowly drifted into the center lane to allow others to become the "high speed target". For those who are not accustomed to being targeted by laser, It's pretty much a instant thing. More of a ticket coming your way than a "slow the f*** down" warning. So when the laser alert was still hot ~45 seconds later .. then 60 seconds later ... I became suspicious. For some reason I grabbed the S5 and tossed it on the seat next to me and .... the laser alert died off.

    So here is what and why. The S5 like most "smart phones" has the ability to know when its being held to your face during a phone call so it can dim the screen. They can also scroll a window with the wave of your hand over the screen w/o actually touching the screen. It can do this because it uses a tiny laser proximity/range finder device on its face. This was setting off the detector's laser alert and once I discovered it .. I could trigger it at will and quiet just as easy.


    This explains why I've been hit with laser from time to time real strong and NEVER could find the source.

    It was me !

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  10. my 2011 limited rear seats do not fold all the way flat .. 80-90% tho. The headrest needs to be all the way down and the front seat needs to be just far enough forward to allow it to clear to get to this point.


    Side note, while my 2011 Limited was in for its 3 week APIM R&R I got to drive a 2014 Explorer Limited. The rear seat headrests have a pull tab strap that releases them to pivot forward 90` and out of the way without all the adjustments to allow them to clear the back of the front seats.


    This and the fact that the front seat headrests also have angle adjusts .. I'm thinking about swapping them for the explorer's if the fit.

  11. On a reconsideration of your purposed idea .. a single ping tone would be useful if triggered a the point the turn signal is engaged AND the sensor was positive.


    The cheater way would be as akirby I think said would be to tie a relay in on the LED illumination path and trigger a tone. ( :) Or custom speech ! - in a woman's voice .. LOOK OUT NUMB NUT !) bahahaha.

  12. http://www.fordedgeforum.com/topic/13989-sync-black-screen-of-death/?p=118325


    I'll spare you the wall of text from my visit to a Ford dealership ... and clip only the parts relevant to your question and my experiences.


    4) driver side dash vent doesn't keep up with the passenger's side. Not as hot when heating. Not as cold when cooling. Both by a significant difference.


    Forth and final item was the driver side dash vent. When they first looked at it .. they reported that they were unable to find anything wrong. "Working as intended" :censored: and they told me this on the phone call that my truck was ready to be picked up. First thing I did was the warm the engine with the windows open keeping the passenger compartment cool and got the service manager. Then I employed the "learned lesson" and again "demonstrate the issue to multiple people." and was successful. They kept it three more days but the end result was ... it appears to be fixed now. They "adjusted" the damper valve. Something that was beyond the local tech's knowledge as they reported having to call Ford Engineering for an adjustment procedure. - both dash vents are at the same temperature now.

  13. .. Right now the indicator light does nothing for me unless I check my mirror to change lanes. ...

    Theres your problem right there. You're doing it wrong. This is the main reason they make mirrors reflective. So you can look into them and see in another directions (behind you). Hopefully to avoid running into me or running me off the road.

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  14. I know you've just purchased your Edge so you've not experience this yet. But you DO NOT want to have the rear window down in any fashion.


    Take a drive down gravel road .. you'll only need about 1/4 miles worth. Then pull over and check out your rear window.


    Due to the aerodynamics of the Edge there is a rather large vacuum on the rear. Opening that surface will relieve that vacuum into your car. I know a gravel road is an extreme test but this way wouldn't have to drive for miles and miles to see the results. The rear of the Edge is a dirt, snow, water magnet. If that window opened, all that road dust and exhaust fumes would be inside.


    Did you get the vista roof aka BAMR ? B)

  15. Ford is calling off the car connectivity relationship with Microsoft that produced Ford Sync. Ford instead will partner with Blackberry and use its QNX operating system.




    This story is from Feb of 2014. Not sure I'm ok with Blackberry in my truck.


    Side note .. the QNX operating system is perhaps the ray of light in all this. Blackberry only purchased the QNX company back in 2010.

  16. I'm using a SanDisk Cruzer Fit 64GB with 7,368 mp3's in 1,610 folders and subfolders. Not all 100% of my 7,368 mp3 show up either.


    I've read where a owner had a ext 2.5" USB HDD that held >50,000 mp3 on it and reported no issues. With that many files I'm sure he didn't realize some were MIA.


    With 400 songs you shouldn't have to much trouble identifying which ones are MIA and then seeing what makes those files unique.




    oh gezz .. I just stumbled across these .. SanDisk 64GB CZ43 Ultra Fit Series USB 3.0 Flash Drive $35.00 ebay.

  17. As soon as you say "impossible, you can't do that" someone goes and does it.


    In this case, by "it" I mean hack into the Ford MyTouch Sync system.


    While researching another idea I came across this site ... take it as educational info only but interesting none the less.







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  18. From the exploded view I saw this area is in the center console toe kick area. There is a "actuator" that moves a damper around one each for each side. In addition there is an adjustment I'm told to the linkage that can be out of sorts .. this was the issue with mine. They can actually read from the ODBII port the position of these actuators .. but if the linkage is out of adjustment, that won't show up on the scanner tool.


    ** note: I didn't have hands on for this .. so info is via diagram views and what the Ford tech related to me.

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