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Edge Member
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Everything posted by sntmods

  1. Was this done using a handheld flash tuner or by installing a chip? I would like some more details since I would like to be doing this with my MKX. -Dan
  2. I have driven a FWD edge and I have to say that I dont feel like the braking is as bad as the press makes it out to be. It definitely could be better though, it almost feels like the ABS isnt aggressive enough as the wheels spin to a stop. The braking power is pretty much only within the braking system components and definitely not the tires. The brake lines could be made using a better material to help reduce ballooning. The front calipers and brake pads could use extra large calipers and a higher friction compound for the pads. This would in turn cause a need for a longer lasting disk. They cant do much for weight besides moving the distribution a bit more to the rear to help reduce nose diving. When I was done with my tough drive I would have not thought anything negative about the braking if I hadnt read any reviews of it's performance. -Dan
  3. Lets see, Mustang has, at the most, received a $1000 rebate and the Edge has none. It wont be offered with a rebate for like half a year at the very earliest since it's a new model and as long as sales and hype remain high. By all means try to negotiate a better price but dont get mad over somebody trying to make a buck (@ MSRP). If the dealers dont make money, they cant pay the bills, they cant buy cars from Ford, they cant service cars cause nobody is buying them. If Ford cant sell cars, Ford goes out of business and then we all lose. How much is it worth to you to save a few hundred dollars or even a thousand over the course of a few years worth of financing when you dont help a company remain in business? Im happy to support a company that produces products I believe in and enjoy. I'd rather not have to buy a Toyota motor vehicle. -Dan
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