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Posts posted by chefduane

  1. This is to start a new thread about troubles recalibration of the backup cam to restore gridlines on a 2011 Limited AWD although I'm sure the procedure is applicable to all Gen 1.5 and probably some others.


    So after downloading and installing Forscan on my laptop I obtained a USB wired OBDII ELM327 module from OHP Tools on Amazon. Shipping was prompt and the unit works great. Just search on OHP ELM327 on Amazon and it will come up.

    Last night I recalibrated the backup cam and the gridlines were restored! Yay! There are numerous vids on utoob on how to do this so I won't go over it here. This morning I drove away thinking that all was fine. Later in the day it was necessary to shift into reverse and the gridlines had now disappeared again! WTF? I just went out and did another recalibration and the gridlines have once again reappeared. Later tonight I think I will drive around the block and shift into reverse at some point to see if the gridlines stay there.


    I'm beginning to think I have gremlins in my MFT software. Ghosts in the machine, as it were, simply to annoy me!


  2. And one could argue that the water pump placement is a design issue and not a maintenance issue. If a water pump never failed then maintenance of it is irrelevant. But when one does fail, the internal design becomes a SIGNIFICANT issue. Probably just semantics anyway.

  3. Omar, man, your posts have been really helpful. Thanks much. I did check the MFT info via system settings in the vehicle and from your post ^ I determined this info for my vehicle:


    CCPU: 15128 3.8 SyncGen2_3.08:15128.EA.10_Product Released October 02 2015 (Compatible up to A8, B8 & F6 SD Cards) Rev 4 (Patched) latest Nav Version (5.67.6) Released September 2015


    Per the link you provided there is one other later version 16180 Sync Gen2_3.10.16180 Released November 2016. The ford.owner.site does not list an update available for my VIN so 15128 3.08 is what I'm staying with.


    Thanks again for the info.


    Candurin: I ordered the EML327 reader you recommended. Should be here on Friday and I will address my gridline issue. May start doing some customization stuff if I get brave!


    Man, I love this group!

  4. Hmmm... In reading all the posts so far what I am perceiving is that doing an upgrade from v2.x to 3.0 provides little additional functionality and a lot of headache with bugs, glitches, and general irregularities. I'm sure there must be some back-end fixes that a user does not see, but my LTD w/ version 2.3 seems to be performing just fine (other than the reverse cam grid lines disappearing) so... what incentives might there be for me to upgrade? Maybe I have a case of 'leave well enough alone.'

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  5. I assume that it is enabled in the camera settings in MFT. I mean, I assume it was when it was working ok and I did nothing to change that. Might MFT just decide one day to disable gridlines? I'll check it tho.


    What do you mean my 'calibrate the camera'? The camera function is working fine but the gridlines have disappeared. I don't have a ForScan adapter however I know they are reasonably cheap. If it really gets irritating I might consider it but for now its now that big a deal. Thanks for the info.

  6. Enigma, a reasonable and logical question.


    My last 2 Explorers were 4WD and I really like 4WD. Here in NTX we get some nasty gully washers and an ice storm or two per season. Also, we go to East Tennessee sometimes for the holidays and it is nice to have the 4WD. Those are a few of the reasons I opted for AWD on the Edge - while I know it is nothing near 4WD, AWD gives/gave me a somewhat better feeling of surefootedness in bad weather and questionable road conditions. That said, if I had it to do over again (in deciding to buy an AWD Edge) I might reconsider getting the AWD due to the issues with the PTU. Knock wood, my PTU has not been a problem in 88k miles so far. And I change the gear oil religiously at 20k mile intervals with full synth (and I think that has a lot to do with not having any issues) but I know that POSSIBLY at any time it could develop a leak or outright failure and be a $4k problem. That, I do not need. I've had a number of FWD cars through the years and known them to be pretty reliable and tough. The transverse mounted FWD 6 cylinder configuration has proven itself to be a winner. And if driven properly, can be sure footed on ice/snowy/etc roads. When/If I do trade/sell this current Edge it certainly will be a Limited (I like the bells, whistles, and amenities) but I will pause to consider if I want to buy an AWD again. If Ford could figure out how to make the PTU more reliable and robust there would be no reason for pause but as it stands today with the current design of the PTU, I may not buy another AWD. Or I might just buy a darned Subaru Ascent Limited w/ their Symmetrical AWD System and not have to worry about it ever again. :)

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  7. Well you know, I suppose I don't have to actually remove the emblem. I just figured it would be easier to remove it and plasti it then re mount it. I've watched a few vids on removing it and it doesn't look that difficult so that's why I decided to do it that way. But in seeing how easily plasti-dip is removed I may re-think removing the badge. hmmm.... It would require masking off the rear hatch but I suppose that's not that difficult to do.


    I do think that I will use the plasti-dip glossifier however. The Tux Black really looks great after being washed and waxed and I'm thinking that a round oval of flat black might detract from that look.


    Thanks for responding!

  8. Roots, thanks. That's the info I was looking for. I know that Gorilla makes a double sided spongy tape but wasn't completely comfortable in deciding to use it. I ordered a roll of the 3m VHB tape.


    Any advice on possibly needing a sealer or UV resistant top coat on plasti-dip? I'm thinking maybe not but as I mentioned, our Texas sun can beat the heck out of car finishes.

  9. I intend to remove the rear emblem from my '11 LTD (Gen 1.5) and plasti-dip it. The chrome ring around the emblem has pretty much peel off completely. I know how to get it removed and painted and all, but I have questions about placing it back on the hatch. I know it just sticks on with double sided tape but will removing it necessitate replacing the double sided adhesive? If so, what kind of tape/adhesive did you all use? If I just stick it back on will it be secure enough to STAY on? Also, I would like to use flat back plasti-dip. Does plasti-dip require putting a sealer over it? Our Texas sun can really beat the heck out of painted finishes and I am wondering of I should use a UV resistant sealer over the plasti-dip. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!


  10. Same thing happened to me when I replaced my battery. First thing was the selective system shutdown (that can be confusing if you've never experienced it) and then the battery died completely. After I replaced the battery the system had to re-learn my driving pattern (accell/decell) to reset the shift points. Took a while driving around town but it should smooth out after a while.

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