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About mr_yuen2

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  1. I too got new wheels replacing the old ones. I noticed they are more solid upon knocking lightly on them. The old ones had a plastic-like sound. Perhaps the chrome wasn't glued on tightly enough...new wheels are always great to look at, let's hope we won't have to deal with the same problem again next winter (p.s. Toronto had the worst snow accumulation in 70 years!)
  2. HELLO TO YOU JIMMYZ< LONG TIME NO SEE AND VISIT to this forum for me! First time back in weeks and I read the bad news from you! Anyway, as long as it's working out fine then it's good news for you! We also have a 2-yr old, but the expenses/ health care etc. are better covered in Canada I believe...so we're good to keep the Edge for now...good luck to you!
  3. RE: engine shut down Thank God the transmission did not lock up the car, or the Edge could have flipped! Can't wait to hear an update on this one...just curious, how many miles did you have on the Edge when this happened?
  4. Wow, thanks for the info. Saleens7. Let me get this right, your original rear-mirror is replaced with a new rear-view mirror that is also a monitor? That sounds so high tech.! Did you do the installation yourself? Sorry to throw another set of questions at you...I am just wondering if I should get it first, or consult an after-market shop in Toronto to see if they can do it...
  5. Hello Jimmerz, long time no talk. Anyway, I vaguely remember that a few decades ago, someone had already invented a "green", veg. oil engine, only shortly after he revealed it to the world that he got killed...allegely by someone in the oil industry! IF that was really true, then I hope the present big oil companies aren't as barbaric today as in the past...what about the tobacco industry?! Oh boy, let's not start that here! The point here I totally agree is the fact that powerful companies/ government should really LEAD the world right, whether it's saving the envrironment or saving the health of people.
  6. Hello everyone, I got excitied when I saw the picture of SALEENS7's picture of a back-up camera installed just below the licence plate! Are there others out there who can shed more light of the part? I have the nav. system on board, so I wonder if the extra part can be integrated into the existing system...and the cost, brand of camera etc. etc. Cheers!
  7. RE: husband over-ruling wife's desire for an Edge It's too bad that people are more brand-driven than product-driven. My Edge is my FIRST Ford, and in fact, the Edge is the ONLY Ford in my ENTIRE social circle. I am also suspecting that there is a cultural factor involved too. NONE of my oriental friends own a Ford except me who is too proud...in fact, since my Edge arrived, I feel like I'm an unofficial ambassador for Ford among the 25-40 yr. olds. ALL my friends who rode with me loved it in surprise. Unfortunately, Ford has done more negative impact to its image than positive over the years...since the Robo Cop made the Taurus famous. Hopefully, Ford will continue to do the right thing to revitalize itself...perhaps by refreshing all the dealerships first (the Japanese/ German dealerships in Toronto look awesome, so high tech.)!
  8. Ha ha, thanks you for the reassurance...I am still overwhelmed with the amount of info. and number of membes in this forum!! The way it looks I don't think the forum will stop anytime soon!
  9. Thank you thank you! In late June/ July, I'll be on a road trip exploring Canada's widerness with my wife, our 2-yr. old and of course our Edge, look for to taking some great pictures to share with you!
  10. Well, here I am, referred here by Jimmerz, another member. I was at another forum, but it had been abandoned by the administrator, so in the end it just got infested with spams and porn. Anyway, this site is so impressive with so much info. and photos. I've uploaded a few of mine to share. Look foward to reading and sharing more info. :yup:
  11. mr_yuen2

    My Edge

    pictures including a modified/ painted dash
  12. mr_yuen2


    Hello! I'm mr_yuen from Toronto. I've been with another Ford Edge forum until last week. Spams got out of hand and the moderator is no where to be found so here I am, referred here by two other great members on the forum. Here are a few pictures of my Edge.
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