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  1. Tiffany, I wouldn't recomend you taking the taillights off and re seal it yourself, the vehicle is still under warranty and if they see you did it you will lose your warranty. I agree it is BS and this is the third dealership that we went to and that agreed that it is an issue and replaced them. Even with the new ones and the condensation is still there, so the dealership is waiting for Ford to give them a call back. I am going to call them next week and find out. I would suggest you call ford and let them know what is going on, the more people that do it the greater chance they will get working on it and maybe have it as a recal, but hopefully a solution. I will keep you posted of what they say next week. Have a good weekend! Pocoboy
  2. Hi there, I was able to download the picture of the taillight with the condensation in it. It is under pocoboy. Have you heard anything more about this? I haven't will keep you posted when I get anything.
  3. pocoboy

    o7 black edge

    condensation in the tail lights
  4. + we have the same problem. They replaced the lights right away but guess what....the new ones are having the same problem. Now I phoned Ford and they said to go back to the dealership and let them look at them again. That is what we did, the shop manager commented that a lot of the lights have the same problem and he is waiting for Ford engineers to tell him what to do.. I'll keep you informed on what happens. If I can I will post pictures.
  5. Hi there, I was reading your post and I was shocked that this happens, this is the first time I have heard that the dash board or any plastic painted. If this is true, we are all in big trouble. I am still waiting for my Edge to be delivered, black exterior and camel interior. I am very concerned about the glare and now this??!! I don't know what I am going to do.. How bad is your glare issue? I always clean some spots with windex or mild cleaner and this is the first time I have heard of this happening. Keep me informed as to what they are going to do about it. PS hope this is not a cheap trick from Ford, this is our first Ford and if it is, not a good way to try and gain customers. Pocoboy
  6. HI ,can i ask you how you have two tone on the seats? thx.
  7. We are going through the same thing, our receipt date was May 28 2007, and we just got the sequence date of June 27 2007. Can anyone explain why it took so long? When I viewed others with the same options as ours and have only a few days between the receipt date and sequence date, not two weeks. Is the factory that our Edge being built shut down now? When will it re open. our VIN is 2FMDK39C97BB42345. thanks for your help.
  8. congrats! how long took you to have it?i order one 5 weeks a go?
  9. nice very nice .........! congrats. How long take from the day the you place tha order? I order one 5 weeks a go?
  10. pocoboy


    very nice congrat.........................! how long take you to have it?
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