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2011 Nav questions

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I am still on the fence on purchasing this option...for the price I think it sounds like a good deal but many posts here say that the maps are out dated and on long trips the system continually reboots. I did find one company that claims to have a VIM module for the MFT but it is $425, by the time I build a car pc with nav I will easily pass the $795 mark. So I am back to thinking stock is the way to go (especially since I am leary of modding an already buggy MFT system) but want to make sure the nav is easy enough to use. So I have a few questions. Can you easily search for POIs along your route? What about having POI alerts? How are the POIs catagorized? Can you search for say italian food or does it just list resturants? Since the data is old, can you also use Sync services to get better info and have that integrated to the nav or does that start the turn by turn nav?

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Yes to all of that. You can even tell it to find you ice cream. My only real bitch is that some POIs that I look for aren't in it. All I have to do is go through Services. I actually think it's WAY easier to put in a specific destination through Services. It knows all of the POIs and even addresses that the standalone nav may not. Services sends it to your nav, which then takes over. I actually like it very much.

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