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Everything posted by darkriff

  1. Hi, i want to buy this locks for my rims http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/OEM-FACTORY-HIDDEN-CHROME-WHEEL-RIM-LOCK-LUG-NUTS-KIT-/330532121576?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&fits=Make%3AFord|Model%3AEdge&hash=item4cf53febe8 but i don't know whats the difference between this and this http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/OEM-EDGE-EXPOSED-CHROME-WHEEL-RIM-LOCK-LUG-NUTS-KIT-/250813810388?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&fits=Make%3AFord|Model%3AEdge&hash=item3a65ab06d4 I know, one is hidden and the other is not, but which one looks better and offer better protection?? Thanks!!
  2. ok!! thanks for your replies, but the dealer here sucks, they can't even change that each time i turn on the car, the a/c inmediatly turns on, Thanks!
  3. Como sintonizo las emisoras pares...like 100,4 o 93,6, solo puedo sintonziar las impares
  4. Hi, i have a se Ford Edge, and i have that question, i can only get not pair stations like 88,9 91,7 93,7 etc, but i cannot get the pair, u cant just get the pairs ones My radio is this one: Another question is, is there any possible software updates for this kind of systems?? Sorry for my english!!
  5. Nooo here they sell the same limited that u have up there the one with hid touch panel full sunroof. Voice recognition and all that stuff but is 3.5 anyway is expensive
  6. Hi. Where did you get them? I heard from myb dealer here in Colombia that the wiring for the drl comes from the oem limited (with stock hid) lamps. Here they cost about 900 us dollars each :S
  7. darkriff


    thats perfect,
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