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Posts posted by chefduane

  1. Correction: I found a dealer that WILL change the PTU oil here in the Dallas area. The Service Mgr I talk to said that he had had a number of requests for PTU oil changes and originally told owners that there was no change option. BUT, after a number of requests (and rather than miss out of the revenue) he said he met with the service tech's and they worked out a service procedure. SO, his dealership will change the PTU oil for $120.00 but that other dealerships may not offer it. So it looks like its hit or miss a dealership. Just check as suggested above.

  2. Damn! Glad you are 'reasonably' ok. Makes me feel a bit better about the Edge, frankly. I was a '98 Explorer driver until a few months ago, now in an '11 Edge Limited. I always though the Explorer was a tank compared to the Edge, but it looks like the Edge took the ~50 mph hit pretty well and all the safety systems worked.

    Good to hear you came out ok. Speedy recovery I trust.

    • Like 1
  3. Yes, PerfA states something that I have yet to get a clear answer on. I came over to the Edge universe after driving an Explorer 4x for many years. I could drop my Ex into 4x high or low on the fly (up to about 35mph) and I knew I was in 4x mode. I could them select out of it and go back to rear wheel drive. Since the Edge Limited AWD I now have has the 'on-demand' PTU/AWD system, I am not sure just when the AWD actually 'kicks in' and engages. I am a fan of AWD and 4x vehicles as I *sometimes* am on a dirt road, and here in Dallas we get NASTY ice storms and some snow a few times a season. Now, I'm not busting trails or crawling, or anything near that, but I like the fact that it is there when and if I need it. I'd just like to be clear on exactly when the actually AWD engages. Anyone got a clear description?

  4. Chipster, very cool! Late 'D' model with drop tanks. Also, the small nacelle from the fuselage to the vertical stab was an addition on later models. My father was 8thAF, 352 Fighter Group, "Bluenosed Bastards of Bodney." Bomber escort out of southern England and then raise as much hell as possible on the return. Flew with George Preddy - top WWII fighter ace. Lotsa' stories about those days.

    • Like 2
  5. My father was a P-51 pilot in WWII. Flew P51-B's first then the D. Earned the DFC, AM, and WWIIVM. 3 Confirmed. My brother is a retired Continental pilot - 727 driver. I'm just a Private - Gen Av. Spent some time in USCG on the West Coast MSO LA/LB and flew in some HU-16 Albatross's doing SAR and Drug Interdiction. Also on the fantail on various USCGC's looking up at HH52's but never actually was in one.

    • Like 3
  6. 1. Warped rotors? When is the last time you did a brake job? Did they grind the rotors?


    2. Have any front end work done recently that might have introduced air into the steering rack? That will cause front end shake felt through the steering wheel. Fortunately, if that is the case there is an easy fix. Do a couple of lock-to-lock figure 8 turns in a parking lot. That gets the air out of the system. Then top off the reservoir.


    3. Get underneath and check for anything loose or unattached that might cause a shimmy.


    That's all I got. Hope you find the problem.

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  7. I have tried to find a shop that would do a simple PTU oil vacuum and refill. So far, no takers. And Ford will only do complete remove/refill on the PTU. If anyone knows of a national chain that will do this, that would be great info to have. I suppose I could do the vacuum/refill myself (as a previous '98 Explorer 4x owner I sure did my share of flushes, etc.) I was just hoping to avoid the hassle.

  8. Omar, thanks for the response. I have touched, pressed, held, etc.. the thing and still nothing happens. I'll check fuse 29 in the morning. But it looks as though fuse 29 also controls radio, multi-function display screen, finish panel and Sync module. If the fuse were the problem I would think I would have issues with those items also. But the emergency flashers are the only issue. And I really don't want to start tearing the center stack apart to get at the rear of the button. I may just decide to live with non-functional emergency flashers.

  9. What am I not understanding about my '11 Limited emergency flashers? There is the small red diamond button indicator in the middle of the center stack just below the MFT screen. Isn't that what turns the flashers on?? Everything I have seen says it is. I touch it, nothing happens. It does not depress, just sits there like touch button. And I cannot find any other switch or button to turn on the flashers. I have tried it when the car is in various conditions - parked engine on, parked engine off, stopped in drive, etc. No emergency flashers. Perhaps it is a relay or fuse gone bad? I just want to know how to turn the dang flashers on!!!

    Thanks for any feedback.

  10. Having come over from the Explorer world just a few months ago, Ex owners never wave as we would have been continuously flailing our arms about! I don't wave in the Edge either. When riding the bike (big v-twin, and usually long highway miles) I always wave. Just a quick arm out or low wave - brotherhood of the open road and all that stuff.

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