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Everything posted by TXFRDOwner

  1. The programming and special software it probably requires to do this wouldn’t be free nor something anyone would just walk you thru the steps. Unless it’s a good friend or relative. That being said I know a guy in China that is well known in the ford modding community, you can reach out to him but full disclosure it won’t be cheap.
  2. There's a guy that might have some. Don't hold your breath though. Check your inbox
  3. TXFRDOwner

    SYNC 3

  4. Ha ha ... well let me know ahead of time when you're ready. You will need that European Edge Cluster Lens to properly fit the Lincoln Cluster in your Edge and I'll need some lead time to order it.
  5. the mask on the MKX cluster is not a fit for the Edge. You might be able to get the MKX cluster in there in there with some modifications but you'll only be able to get the two bottom screws in and more than like have a 1/2" gap all the way around the top contour between the mask and the dash. and some might be ok with that
  6. best person to ask is @onyxbfly he's done the instrument cluster (speedometer) upgrade and the sync 3.4 mod. I have 3 Edge masks/lenses in stock. let me know
  7. http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&pub=5575378759&campid=5338273189&customid=&icep_item=143552376580&ipn=psmain&icep_vectorid=229466&kwid=902099&mtid=824&kw=lg&toolid=11111
  8. Bumping this ..... For those interested in the IPC upgrade. I have 2 masks left in stock. I know a source who can provide the Lincoln cluster programmed and ready to go. PM me for more details
  9. Apologies, sold out ! forgot to update the thread
  10. To all interested in doing this upgrade like @onyxbfly did in his Edge ... see his Thread here: I have the Edge Mask/Lens FOR SALE. You need that mask to pair it up with the Lincoln Instrument Cluster PM me if interested
  11. To all interested in doing this upgrade like @onyxbfly did ... I have the Edge Mask/Lens FOR SALE. You need that mask to pair it up with the Lincoln Cluster PM me if interested
  12. https://www.ebay.com/itm/143413029953
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