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Everything posted by CameronDouglas

  1. Planning to do the Raptor style grill swap to my 2017 Sport, since my front camera now is cracked and I need to replace it anyway I was thinking I'd use this: https://www.autonationparts.com/parts/ford-front-camera-jl3z19g490f?origin=pla&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw26KxBhBDEiwAu6KXt7Zgzmb5eDF5Ywp9DJc_9EO1BvajUnfUK95TCZyADuf59N1VoJT2oxoCLTQQAvD_BwE to do what he does in this: https://www.f150forum.com/f118/grill-options-raptor-style-grill-293630/index108/#post4890222 but with the Edge grill Would https://www.autonationparts.com/parts/ford-front-camera-jl3z19g490f?origin=pla&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw26KxBhBDEiwAu6KXt90S36bXyo-v-meo9Vti9U9i2ckk4OM9N2v52QCpaatYvyKwcfvTbhoC5FMQAvD_BwE be compatable with the Edge plug and play? Its a different size but for the mount I'm getting would actually fit it better. I was also wondering if the hose that sprays the front camera would fit this new mount? Thanks!
  2. how much was this to do total?
  3. Gotcha, has this ever been done by anyone on here before? Is this something a dealer could install?
  4. Ahhh gotcha, didn’t realize they were currently LEDs because of how yellowish the current color temperature is. https://hidkitpros.com/shop/2011-2019-ford-edge-led-interior-lighting-package/ how about something like this?
  5. Anyone have a chart for all the interior bulb sizes on the 2017 Edge Sport? The OM just says LED without specifying the size. And apart from the interior and license plate lights, what else is not an LED stock?
  6. Could the edge camera and washer fit into an F150 mount? Like this one: https://www.getoemparts.com/oem-parts/ford-front-bracket-hl3z19h421a?origin=pla&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIgtfS6o_Z7wIVgeGzCh0FzwfhEAUYASABEgLE3PD_BwE
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