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New Utah member. 2007 Edge


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I haven't owned a Ford since I bought my first car: a 1998.5 SVT Contour, and I'm pretty happy to be back with the blue oval family.

We just got a 2007 Edge (Premium Plus?) AWD with 70k on the clock, and have really enjoyed it so far. The gas mileage isn't super great, but compared to the other crossovers in our price range this certainly had the best amenities and the most power (plus it's nowhere near as bad as the '99 Durango I used to own).

The other car in our family is a 2006 Mazdaspeed 6, which if I recall correctly has a similar AWD system.


Anyways, glad to be here and I look forward to contributing what I can!

Any tips or pointers would also be appreciated (I've been going through threads for about 3 days, and decided I should just join up).

The only thing I plan to really change right now is installing some HID's. They're one of my favorite things about the speed6, and miss them a bit on the edge.


Here she is (still a little frosty):






and here is the ms6 (obviously I like lens flares):



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Hah! All Fords that I'm aware of have that REALLY soft brake pedal. I've thought about doing stainless steel brakelines. I'm not sure if the rest of the forum will like me if I recommend RetroSolutions, but they've been problem-free from the beginning and took thirty minutes to put in by myself. DDM and Torimoto are other popular brands if you care to compare prices, but I think DDM's harnesses are cheap or something. I'd do 5000k-6000k, depending on how 'blue' you want them to be. 4500k I think is most visibility, 5000k is whitest, and 6000k is probably the bluest I'd go if you actually care to see anything.


OH! Get the 55 watt model. 35 watt works great (it's what I have) if that's all you want to do, but because of our reflector housing, the beam will be jagged and at far distances on flat roads, you'll be able to see just how jagged by what parts of the road aren't lit up. You'll have to aim them slightly below where you normally would aim your lights because of the jaggedness, but they're still much brighter than the stock POS.

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