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Red Edge is Cursed!

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:banghead: I have seen several references about avoiding getting a "red" edge. No idea what the deal is/was as to me it was just another color to choose from.


I am now having second thoughts. My Edge is apparently cursed and an accident magnet.


1000 kilometers from new. Transport truck throws a brake drum/shoe while beside me on the highway. Part of it punches through my front passenger door. 2500.00 later (no the truck didn't stop and I didn't catch a name) I have a brand new front passenger door.


6000 kilometers. Parked properly in a marked parking spot at the local business depot. Sitting in the car with the keys on the seat and sorting some photo copying when the car suddenly rocks side to side. The nice driver that just pulled in to the wide open parking spot beside me swung it wide and hit me just in front of the driver side rear wheel. "oh, did I just hit you? I thought I just ran over a lump of ice!"


One more hit and I will take my edge for an exorcism !

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Now that you mention it... theres a glowing object falling towards me........


I kept part of the brake drum as a paperweight for my office and yes I am really thankful it didn't bounce higher and come through the windshield.


We just had an incident on the highway last week where some idiot left a regular claw hammer in the back of his pick up truck and it flew out and imbedded itself right in the middle of a windshield. Went 3/4 through and then stopped. I believe side windows are not laminated like the windshield and anything that hits them is likely to come right through !


As far as the parking lot goes, you can bet if I hadn't been sitting in the car no one would have been parked beside me when I came out to find the damage !

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