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engine cuts off when stop


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I have 2007 Ford Edge SEL. When I just bought it I've notised that when I start my car in the morning the idles go up and down not too much (like 200RPM<//>) but ..... (my AC is off). After driving it for 2 months my engine sudenly stoped runnig when I stop on traffic light. I put gear to "P" and started in on easily. In couple days I brought it to Ford dillership, they told me there is no problem because no code's been shown on the computer. I took it back drowe for 1 more month and had the same problem when stoped on intersaction, started it on and get back to Ford ... guess what-NO problem again, they told me I have to watch when it happens and that's it. I drowe my car for entire summer without any problems and just recently it started to happen again (but now more often, some times twise a day sometimes I could drive without this problem for a week ). But what I 've notised sometimes when I stop the Idles go up to 700RPM than drop down to 300 before get stable on 500 RPM. No code no "check engine" light.. nothing. I love the car it's my first CUV but this little problem spoils my life. Could somebody give a good advise what to do? Or what it possibly can be. Thank you.

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