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2018 Ford Edge Titanium - vanishing washer fluid going to rear window

Captain Neil

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I'm in. My 60s, have had many Fords but this one has me stumped. I fill up the washer fluid tank.. front works fine.. attempt to wash the back window, i hear the pump, no fluid. I pulled the lines under the hood, I have pressure. Blew air from front to back. I see fluid coming out. I attemp several more times to get washer fluid to the rear.. nothing. Then the low washer light comes on and there is no sign of a leak anywhere! No puddle. Where the heck is it going and how?

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  • Captain Neil changed the title to 2018 Ford Edge Titanium - vanishing washer fluid going to rear window
  • 2 months later...

My guess is the spray nozzle at rear could be nearly blocked. When you blew air through rear hoses and fluid came out, air pressure higher than rear washer pump can deliver. 


I'd try this. Have someone else run the rear washer while you stand back there and see if any drops come out. 


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