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Since Latest Update.....having trouble keeping Phones Paired


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Before this latest update, my phones worked perfectly. Usually have 3 pared to Edge. In past, it would always connect almost instantly. Since this update, sometimes I have to re pair a phone to get it to connect. It will usually say phone was paired before, do I want to keep it the same? or words to that effect. I can usually get it to connect, but it just doesn't connect as well as before. Once connected, it's fine. And it won't necessarily do better with same driver VS a different driver after shut down. Any ideas?

Edited by RJG
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I have a similar situation but a little different. mine use to connect almost instantly before too but now it just seems to hang for a while. 80 percent of the time it will actually connect but every now and then I'll have to manually connected but I don't get that message of previously connected like you do. did you have any problems with the install mine hung I'm wondering if maybe we both have a corrupted file

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No the update loaded fine. It's stuff like this that hurts the reputation of our vehicles. I have another vehicle with voice activated phone, and it works perfectly every time. Of course.....it's not as sophisticated as the SYNC stuff.

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It got to point where none of our (we thought) connected phones were recognized by SYNC.


So called the HELP tech line that shows on screen. Was told to try a Master Reboot. Did that. Repaired the phones. They are working fine now. Will monitor and see if that was a real or temporary fix.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have 3 phones and not having an issue and I have the most current MFT update for my system as of Oct 30 2012. My phones connect depending on if my primary phone is available or if not it connects to the next one if available.

I have an android smartphone (4.04) as well as a blackberry and a simple old LG.

No issues except the android is supposed to support text but does not. Would drive my sons nuts but for me not an issue as I send about 3 texts a year. Also the thing keeps letting my wife call. Ford says I have to live with that part.

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