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2013 Edge Squeak or EEEEKKK from Dash


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Our 2013 Edge Limited 3.5L (with Dual Control Heater) is developing a squeak from the dash area. The sound is hard to describe but it sounds like a rubber vacuum actuator opening or closing and the rubber squeaks. EEEEKKK is what it sounds like.


It was infrequent but now happens enough that my wife is starting to notice it.


It is strange in that it can happen right after we shut off the car and we are still sitting inside. We also notice it at idle or when driving slow, on the highway the road noise would probably drown this out.


I see that many folks are replacing the blend door actuator, which is what I suspect but has anyone had one that makes noise?


Of course, when I remove the lower dash panel and listen for it it does not seem to make the noise.


Thanks in advance for any help.

Edited by Olson_jr
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