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FordEtis Users new website


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Dear Ford Service Info/FordEtis User,


In April 2022 Ford communicated to FordEtis Independent Operator users to advise of the migration of FordEtis Online to the new Ford SERVICE Info site for the additional and up and coming new features.

Ford will notify users when the new Ford SERVICE Info Site migration is complete.

Please register or login to the site to view all products and subscriptions that are available to purchase within in the Ford Service Info Site at www.fordserviceinfo.com


Additional New Features (additions Since April 2022)

The following new services are available in the New Ford Service Info (FSI) site and Professional Technician System (PTS).


Ford Service Info Site (FSI):

Free Resources

The Free Resources page are available on the front Home Page for the following:

  • Routine Service Check Sheets
  • Digital Service Record (DSR)


Professional Technician System (PTS):

Planned New Features

  • Connected Vehicle access is enabled for the UK market.
  • Other European Markets enabled for Connected Vehicle Access are Portugal, France, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ireland, Norway, Spain, Netherlands, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Finland, Belgium, and Luxembourg.
  • Other European Markets to be enabled in due course.
  • Routine Service Check sheets were implemented July 2022.
  • Digital Service Record (DSR) to be implemented 31st August 2022.


Digital Service Record (DSR) Instructions


  1. For Existing FordEtis DSR Users Without a Ford Service Info Account


Within the next week, DSR within ETIS will be decommissioned. If you are still using DSR within FordEtis, please take the following actions (a detailed description of each step is shown in the attached IMT DSR Introduction PDF).

Important: If you are using the new FSI System, please do not create records in ETIS anymore as all data will be transferred from ETIS to FSI!

  1. Please register in FSI:  FordServiceInfo.com , If you do not have an FSI Account.
  2. After successful registration, login and open the DSR option within Free Resources within FSI (See attached PDF), you will then be automatically routed to the following screen below.
  3. As you previously had access you will need to click on the ‘here’ link in the screen below:


  1. You will then be asked to fill in the following form below if you had a previous DSR account within FordEtis Online:

  1. You can find the data for the first two fields highlighted in yellow in your FordEtis account under TAX DETAILS:                                                                                 

  1. Your Etis username is the name which you enter at your Etis log in.

You will receive an answer via E-mail as soon as your access was accepted.

If we do not find any match, we will reject your access and you will receive an email with additional instructions to follow as a new user.


  1. For Existing FordEtis DSR Users with a Ford Service Info Account


  1. Please login to FSI and follow from point 2. Go To DSR in the attached IMT DSR Introduction PDF.


  1. All New Un-Registered FSI Users
  1. Please follow from the start in the attached IMT DSR Introduction PDF document.


Note: For all Legal Representatives that have Employee accounts, please notify your employees of   this feature, and follow the above instructions and the attached PDF document.


If you need help, please contact the DSR Helpdesk fordhelp@datagroup.de.


Note: This does not affect users of the WLTP calculation tool.




Ford Motor Company

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