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Dec 06 Build Date -- Anything we should have checked?


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We bought an Edge to replace my wife's aging Audi A4 this weekend. (Interesting shift, I know, but in addition to getting old, the A4 wasn't the good choice for our lifestyle that it was when we bought it.)


My wife found this forum a few days ago, and I've read through a lot of the old posts -- including the build date discussions.


We bought an AWD SE with a few options, which had been a dealer demo. (7K on the odometer) (And we love it, by the way. My wife has really had her eye on the Edge since she saw the first commercial. I didn't expect to like it as much as I do.)


The build date is Dec 06 -- which as I understand it was smack in the middle of some possible build issues.


Are there things I should check or have checked? Is there a VIN-based report that I could ask the dealer to run which will tell me if the vehicle is affected by any of the known problems? Should they have already done this?


Also, for the Ford insiders -- my understanding is that we can drop in a cabin air filter even though ours didn't come with this option. However, my searching online hasn't come up with a part number or cost. Does anyone have that at their finger tips?


Similarly, is there any chance that we've actually got full message center functionality if only we'd buy and install the appropriate buttons on the dashboard? (I don't really care about this, but I wondered if maybe there was a connector just sitting there behind the blank button spacers, waiting to be hooked up.)


And one more thing -- I understand form posts here that DRL can be switched on by the dealer for US models, but that some people have gotten blank looks or been charged a bit to get this done. Is it reasonable for me to want this done for free?




Edited by E-N-J
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I assume by DRL lights, you mean Driving Lights, or Daytime lights?



OK, fine for you, BUT you'll notice that Ford did not follow the trend that other Motor manufacturers took and put them ON. Two fold reason, ANY electrical accessory you run DOES cut into gas mileage. Ford did a nice breakdown of exactly what every item did cost you in mileage on their Hybrid, even roof racks, heater fan, etc.


ONE of my pet-peeves and the second reason, Ford works with Harley Davidson. Those daytime running lights have turned into a fad now, and peoples reaction to them are working against the concept of them. They have now become a deathtrap for a motorcycle rider. In the 60's, Federal law mandated that all motorcycles were the have headlights ON, when the engine was started. This was a protection for the Rider. NOW people do not see them, as it doesn't register with them.


Well I had to voice how I feel about that, but I do believe Ford sells something that can be retro-fitted to give you those lights. GM has lowered the intensity of theirs from when they first put them on their products.

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