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Everything posted by Cdpratt69

  1. Hey Dingo, did you happen to take a pic of the stock pillar speaker that you could post up? I'm really serious as to what it actually looks like. And, do you feel like you are being over tweetered by your much higher quality pillar speakers? Or, do you just notice clearer and better sound coming from the back seats? I'm an audiophile and I'm going to hear it if its too much. What's your opinion on the end result?
  2. is it also a Boston speaker? We went with Pioneer TS-SW2501S4 10-Inch Step Up Shallow S4 Sub and that thing will give you a full body massage all the way up in the front seat. All my mirrors shake to where I can't make much out looking at them when the system is turned up. So Dingo, my Dad can beat up your Dad! ;-) On another note, I am a bass freak and I want a 12" sub in there so they are looking at doing a custom box in the spare tire area. I may eventually have to keep a couple of cans of the green slime and not carry a spare. Hell, i'll just call Ford roadside service if I ever get a flat! I want my bass!! Dingo, I got my tuxedo black wrap put on the chrome strips up front and it looks great. I remembered that my wife insures an auto body and paint repair shop so they threw it on for $20! Well worth me not having to do it if you ask me. Thanks for that idea if it was yours because it looks bad ass and it sets my Edge apart from the other two in town.
  3. My audio shop guy threw a shit fit when I asked him to have his people install my infinity 32.9 3.5" speakers in the pillars. He's a purist and thinks that after all the other stuff they put in that it was blasphemy to put speakers back there with upgraded tweeters. Something about blasting more highs toward the driver and passenger seats would be too much treble. I have enuf bass to shake parts loose now so I'm not quite sure why the duals would be such a huge deal back there. (I likes me music loud and low!) My theory is that even tho they put a nice Sony system in the stock Sport they are still crappy speakers in real world audio. What is wrong with an upgrade in any situation? They want to put a mid range only speaker back there. I guess I should trust the dude who has been in business making cars sound good for 20 years eh?
  4. Oh and by the way he cheated on the tint laws. He has a doctors note! (said in a snide highly sarcastic voice)
  5. I'm sorry but the white color is HIGHLY overrated!!!!
  6. i popped the pillar covers off and if those are 3.5" speakers under there then they are the smallest 3.5" speakers I've ever seen. I have not pulled them out yet but they look like nothing more than a tweeter.
  7. Over 50...mkx. 45 and under edge Sort AWD. 46-49 is anybodys guess. To me the looks of the edge sport iare are juat so much better than the lincoln. I'm apologize ahead of time to mkx owners but that front end is U G L Y. I'll give up a little luxury for style any day.
  8. What speakers should go in the D pillars in the back? They are 3.5" chepo Sonys from the factory, any ideas?
  9. Dingo, you need to start letting the cats out of the bag and tell me what you got in the works, if it's seem cool stuff you'rgoing to get a visitor from Augusta sooner than yup landed dude!
  10. Does anyone have a picture of a nice looking trailer hitch mounted up on a 2011 or up Edge Sport? I would like to see some pics before I decode to do it. Thanks to all my peeps!
  11. Is the icon passing out money?
  12. Go to wxsigns.com and cover that ugly thing up with a vinyl wrap that you like.
  13. Anyone else need an extra one? Illtive my older version away as well.
  14. Does anyone know what size the small speakers are that are in the factory pillars in the rear of the 2011-up Edge? Better yet, does anyone know what size replacement fits in there?
  15. Trust me, you can squeeze a 10" sub back there. I have a rolling stock-looking thumper to prove it. From the outside my setup looks similar to Dingo's factory sub location. It's a squeeze but certainly attainable. People are very impressed by the feel good bass you can get out of the right 10" sub done right with the right amp in our Edges. I had a drive thru checker looking at the cars behind me trying to figure out where the boom was coming from and then she finally asked me, "is that bass coming out of your car?". I just smiled and said, no!
  16. Has any industrious Edge Sport owner fingered out a good way to get a trailer hitch mounted and make it look non-utility? And if so would you mind sharing with the group on what you used and how it was done please? I have jelly beans and I will certainly share if someone has a good answer! Thanks.
  17. I bet it doesn't cover it. They will tell you all day long that things like that are covered if you didn't purchase the plan but had you purchased the plan they would just chuckle at you if you brought it in for a curb rash claim. Personally, I don't like those wheels and don't want to drive anything around with chromed plastic on the wheels. Thank goodness I got the sport and not the mkx. I was certainly thinking about it because of the ventilated seats. I would go on tire rack if I were in your situation and find some much better looking wheels that are not so crazy expensive to repair or replace. Keep the three good ones and get some of your money back by selling then to others who are in your position now. You"ll prob end up even in the long run with a better set of wheels with no plastic on them! Plus your MKX won't look like everyone else's in town.
  18. I was just catching up to some of these posts so I followed the link to v-leds and noticed those switchback leds were out of stock until well into May. It made me chuckle a bit and I wondered if the Edge forum here bought them out! Too funny! I have some 14 watt amber led bulbs for the running lights/turn signals up front and I am thinking of going over to switchbacks because I love the look. I found some really high powered switchbacks over on another sight that are in stock. I'll share some pics when I get them installed. Once again, thanks to Dingo for the sweet ideas. You must just sit around thinking of ways you can upgrade our already badass Edge Sports! lol
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