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Everything posted by oskar27

  1. I had issues with the 2 local Ford dealers so I decided to service my 2016 Edge Titanium 2.0L at a local reputable service shop. On the maintenance the user's guide calls to change the engine coolant at 6 years and that is what I will do next week. Is this a big job? Do I have to use any specific coolant type? Thanks
  2. Yes the cargo light comes ON when I open any passenger door and now that I have the ambient lights switched OFF from the console above the drivers seat the cargo light still comes ON. In addition, the cargo light comes ON alone when I open the cargo door. I also noticed only 3 wires going into the PCB board but the cable feeding the light is much bigger and I assume the other wires in the feed cable are going to the cargo door latch. To access the cargo light you don’t have to remove the side panel, removing the bucket shown in the 1st picture above provides sufficient space to work on the light. I did try to remove the bucket before I removed the side panel but it was impossible so after I removed the side panel I noticed how that bucket is secured in place. It has 2 clips at the top side and 2 more at the bottom but all 4 clips are thin like a thread and I broke the 2 top clips. In any case you don’t need them clips, pushing the bucket down into the opening it’s a snug fit and holds the bucket tight without the clips.
  3. On my 2016 Titanium I wanted to put an ON/OFF switch on the single side mounted cargo light and today I removed the side panel and discovered that the light is mounted on a PCB and the power to it consist of at least 6 wires which means I wouldn’t know on which to install my ON/OFF switch. However it raises the question why a simple cargo light is mounted on a PCB? Perhaps it serves some other functions? I will not do any further work until I find out what this light does. Any ideas why this light it’s not like any other simple LED??
  4. Thank you guys, there are not only the 2 puddle lights, there are also 2 in the front and another 2 at the back and they stay ON for at least 6 minutes! I know the LED’s don’t consume tons of juice but in the winter I always do odds and ends in my car and it’s a pain every time I open a door them darn lights have to stay ON for so long. Forscan? Not ready for it yet but I may ask my dealer to see if he can do that for me.
  5. Every time I open/close any door in my 2016 Titanium the puddle lights and front/back running lights come ON and stay ON for about 1 minute. I have no need for either and to conserve battery juice I want to turn them OFF but I see nothing related in the owners manual neither on the left vehicle information display. Is there a way to do it?
  6. Thanks omar302, mine was set to 10 sec, I will but it to 0 sec and test it
  7. The new gismo looks like a pretty good one, just plug it to a cigarettes lighter socket and with the engine OFF it tells you a volts range for good, weak or bad battery and with the engine ON it tells you the volts the alternator pumps out and it tells you good, weak, overcharging, undercharging. Mine got it all just right.
  8. Thanks Haz, when I click the link it says [an error occurred while processing this directive]. Did I do something wrong?
  9. On the 2016 Titanium does anyone knows how to remove the cargo side panel (where the single light is attached)??
  10. The settings for this are 0, 10sec, 20sec….etc however I can’t find out which lamp(s) are controlled with this setting. In addition if I set it to OFF, does this means the lap(s) is OFF?? Thanks
  11. Thanks for the education enigma-2, good to know. Regarding the car cleaning I’m retired now and have lots of free time for my hobbies and one is keeping my car clean. When I was working my car didn’t get too much attention…. Got another gismo today to check my battery because I dint like the 50% my charger was showing. Tomorrow I will use it and I will post the results.
  12. From Ukraine? How the heck you found it omar302? Yes it looks like mine and looking at the 2nd picture of the light all these electronics for a light bulb? Amazing! Anyway the light has a small flange around it and the way I see it this flange sits at the back of the panel so even if I will be able to push it left/right to remove the light it will be impossible to re install it without removing the panel unless I miss understand something. I will have a look tomorrow to see how difficult is to remove the panel.
  13. I’m not aware of the MOA neither I noticed anything similar in the manual (which I never read completely) but since I service the car at the dealer I assumed (I had asked) that they do all maintenance as required. I leave the doors open after a wash to dry the inside bottom of the doors. There is a lip at the bottom of each door on the inside which collects tons of dirt and after its dry I clean it with a nylon brush, wipe it clean and apply a coat of wax. What is CCA? I installed a new battery about a month ago (the OEM battery went dead) and I got a digital charger but when I connect the charger it always starts at 50% (blinking light) then goes to 75% and stays there for about 1.5 hours and then goes to 100% blinks another hour and then it stays solid (battery charged). I find it strange that the charger starts at 50% although to my opinion the battery should be fully charged since I just came back yesterday from a 2 hours trip. Perhaps it’s a charger function to start at 50%?
  14. Many thanks enigma-2 for the help, got really excited with the pictures and I said I can zip this one in a few minutes and get done with it but unfortunately my light is recessed and not pushed on from the outside as shown in the pictures. To remove my light the way I see it I must remove the side panel and to do so there is no way I can do it without damaging the panel unless I know how.
  15. Excellent idea mate but I never thought a small switch like them can be so expensive. I already have a bunch of small DC switches (no OEM) and first I have to find out how to lift the existing light to see what’s behind and the rest is easy. Thanks for your time
  16. Quite unusual not to have a way to turn OFF that light. Never had a use for it, I will see if there is a way to remove the cover and unplug the light bulb (if there is a bulb) otherwise if I can access the wiring I can stick a switch and mount it just next to the light. Thanks
  17. Thanks enigma-2, now I understand the reson. The CTEC looks quite a good unit
  18. Thanks for the tip, although puddle lights and entry lights are nice to have they are not a necessity for me. I don’t know very much about Forscan and I will investigate next year if I have a need for it.
  19. Thanks for the help lildisco, appreciated Not used to these chargers yet so before I go to bed tonight I will disconnect it and close the hood, not comfortable otherwise. But it finally went to 100% not blinking (fully charged) and took a total about 4 hours. The charger box was totally cold. My POS battery terminal only has about 2-3 threads left so it’s not enough to thread any nut on it. It’s not a big deal to install a new longer bolt. It’s funny that I don’t like leaving the hood open overnight but eventually I will get used to it, LOL…
  20. I was planning to use the ring connectors but I’m missing one 1/4" fine thread nut plus the bolt holding the POS battery cable is not long enough to add the ring connector there. I will do the change soon as I have the needed parts. It took about 2.5 hours to go from 75% to 100% and now the 100% is blinking. BTW do you know if having the hood open drains the battery?
  21. Had to cancel my Amazon order because I found another charger at a local well known automotive store. I connected the unit as per instructions and it sensed my 12V battery and the charge indicator lit at 50% indicating the status of my battery. It stayed there for about 5 minutes and then it went to 75% blinking and it has been there for about 1 hour now still blinking. Hopefully eventually it will go to 100%. Very easy to use, the unit looks solid and stays cool and I’m happy with it. Many thanks for the tip.
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